[b]New Weapon[/b] [list][*]Katars have been added! [*]Nai and Sentinel both use Katars. [*]Snikt snikt![/list] [b]New Legends[/b] [list][*]Scarlet has been added to the roster! [*]Sentinel has been added to the roster! [*]Ada has been added to the roster! [*]All three are playable by everyone during Closed Beta Round 1. [*]Steampunk and Super Hero and Cyberpunk, oh my![/list] [b]New Store[/b] [list][*]Mallhalla is open for business. [*]Currently on offer: [List][*]Character Skins [*]Weapon Skins [*]Taunts[/List][/list] [b]Community Requests[/b] [list][*]Game now runs at 60 fps. [*]Added new music. [*]Made keyboard activation much more intentional. [*]Added a match preview screen before each brawl starts. [*]Relaxed color restrictions across costumes. [*]Taunts are now mapped to the right stick on controllers, or 1-4 on keyboard. One taunt in each direction. [*]High, Med, and Low volume adjustments for sounds and music. [*]New painterly backgrounds for Brawlhaven, Grumpy Temple, Twilight Grove. [*]Announcer now calls out KO streaks.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Völst has been renamed to Orion. [*]Thrulk has been renamed to Gnash. [*]Thatch now uses Sword and Blasters. [*]Orion now uses Rocket Lance and Spear. [*]Queen Nai now uses Spear and Katars. [*]Improved stats balance: [List][*]Strength - Greatly decreased multiplier on Force. [*]Dexterity - Decreased Attack Speed multiplier. [*]Defense - Greatly increased Recovery multiplier. [*]Speed - Base movement bonuses slightly decreased. Speed now also affects powers that move the player like dashes, ground pounds, and recovery moves. [*]All stats taper off more quickly, with stat gain and loss decreasing the farther away you move from 5.[/List] [*]Adjusted wait times for matchmaking queues. [*]Bots now have special bot names, e.g. Botvar [*]Team colors have been slightly adjusted. [*]Level voting is no longer majority rules but now resembles drawing random entries from a hat. [*]Can't kick off walls during powers anymore. [*]Renabled the ability to move in the air on the air side pistols. [*]Players who quit before the game starts are now immediately replaced with a bot. [*]Fixed an issue where grab moves were releasing a frame late.[/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]All Powers: Pass across the board to make hit boxes better match the animations. [*]All Ground Pounds: Decreased hitbox size, base movement speed, Damage, and Force. [*]Unarmed Air Neutral Light: Now has a shorter duration if you miss. [*]Unarmed Air Side: Animation made more clear. [*]Sword Neutral Heavy: Retimed to eliminate run sliding. [*]Hammer Ground Pound: Now ends correctly; Slowed down initial cast hit. [*]Hammer Side Heavy: Reduced Damage and Force. [*]Hammer Down Heavy: Replaced with new power. [*]Lance Ground Pound: Now ends correctly; Increased recovery time; Slowed down initial hit. [*]Lance Side Heavy: Decreased Damage and Force. [*]Lance Air Neutral Light: Fix bug where SFX wasn't lining up with the animation. [*]Lance Air Side Light: Reduced recover time. [*]Blasters Ground Pound: Slowed down initial cast hit. [*]Blasters Neutral Light: Increased stun time to prevent cases where a target could dodge out mid-power. [*]Hattori Deadly Distraction:Updated spear animation. [*]Gadget Horn: Reduced Damage and Force from the summoned VALKRI. [*]Throw Air Hammer: Charge up animation fine tuned. [*]Character Specials: New beefed up fx for Bödvar Dragon's Doom, Cassidy High Noon, Thatch Clear the Decks, Gnash Sharp Stick Slam![/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]Brand new landing page. [*]Account Items page has been added. Go here to equip any VALKRI skins, custom KO fx, or Taunts you might have. [*]Character selection screen artwork has been improved. [*]Teams are now displayed in their own rows on the scoreboard. [*]The interface allowing users to change colors has been turned into a more robust controller for managing character attributes and vanity looks before the match. [*]New animation has been added to show which levels were voted on and which level won. [*]Prompt now displays at character select when joining an online queue. [*]Holding down non-directional keyboard inputs in the UI no longer fires repeatedly. [*]While navigating UI, you can hold a direction and the cursor will accelerate in that direction. [*]The mouse will no longer highlight whatever it's over when screens change. [*]You can now use the shoulder buttons on the controller to page through the training menu. [*]VALKRIs now properly fade into the background slightly on all maps. [*]You can now quit online games, but you can't play online again until that match is over. [*]Refined control stick interpretation. [*]Party leader can back out of level select in online games. [*]Support for the PS3 controller on Mac. [*]Support wireless Xbox 360 controller for Mac.[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*]Game now uses the GPU for rendering where available. [*]Improved methods for syncing online and recovery when game is out of sync.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Corrected certain landing animations that weren't playing correctly. [*]Added hit react special effects to several attacks missing them. [*]Corrected an issue where the Unarmed Neutral wouldn't combo correctly. [*]Respawn recover animation changed to resolve the "back slide" effect when a player begins moving during the recovery. [*]Fixed a rare bug that would cause rejoins to lock up the client. [*]Fixed a rare bug that caused you to be stuck in "Account Still Logging Out" [*]Cassidy's Blaster fx no longer flipping on occasion. [*]Fixed animations sometimes popping on heavy attacks when releasing the button. [*]Fixed bug where combat sounds were off for characters with differing dexterity stats. [*]Fixed bug causing the character roster to stay visible behind the level select options when playing Custom Online games. [*]Fix issue with matchmaking games reopening with invalid information after a rejoin. [*]Fixed various bugs with the character selection screen involving teams and team color. [*]Fixed a bug where charging a throw while airborne and then landing would add your downward aerial momentum to the throw. [*]Fixed a bug where players could not move after dodging if the button was still held down. [*]Fixed a bug where pressing dodge on a controller without moving could make the player change the direction they were facing [*]Fixed a bug where dodging on the ground always flipped your facing instead of always facing the player in opposite direction of the dodge. [*]Fixed a bug where players didn't always face the direction of the dodge when aerial dodging. [*]Fixed a bug where grabbing attacks weren't interrupting moves until the release. [*]Fixed an animation bug where hitting a player during the exact tick they started a move would cause move's animation to play even though they were stunned. [*]Fixed an extremely rare bug where rapidly calling consecutive VALKRIs could let players pick up an item before the VALKRI could deliver it. [*]Fixed broken behavior when someone starts a game right after a player unselects. [*]Fixed a bug that had reset your character/color when coming back from a game. [*]Lives games no longer show score updates in HUD as if it was a Timed game. [*]Fixed missing sudden death sound.[/list]