[b]Community Requests[/b] [list] [*]Scoreboard has been added to the upper right hand corner of the screen during game play. [/list] [b]Sound[/b] [list] [*]Characters get their names announced and play sounds in character select. [*]New announcer and announcements should be in all the appropriate places now. [/list] [B]Art[/b] [list] [*]Lord Vraxx weapon art has been improved. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Characters will no longer play animations while the game is paused. [*]Damage text from Training Mode will no longer remain on screen in other game modes. [*]Fixed missing sudden death sound. [*]Fixed bug where toggling training menu wasn't working correctly with controllers. [*]Fixed bug where you could be unselected trying to go into a match. [*]Fixed bug where a player joining during level select would cause a client crash. [*]Fixed bug where header buttons would disappear when a user disconnects during the voting period. [*]Fixed crash that could occur when a player lost connection during the voting process. [/list]