[b]Community Requests[/b] [list] [*]Can now try an early look at Training Mode! (Work in Progress) [*]Chatting has been added to end of matchmaking and custom online games. [*]Cassidy has had an art rework to better match the other characters and tone of the game. [*]Moves now have priority. In the result of a tie, priority goes to the character with higher dexterity, then the character that's taken less damage. [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*]Tie breakers are now available for Lives matches. [*]KOs and Falls in Tie Breakers don't count towards score at end of game. [*]Moved the camera line out on Twilight Grove. [*]A pass on stun times that should make the Dexterity stat feel like an appropriate advantage/penalty. [*]KOs are now worth +2 and Falls are -1. [*]Self KOs net -3 and team KOs give -1 to the player that Fell and -2 to the player who KOed their teammate. [*]Team KOs and Self KOs still both show up as "Accidents" in the end game screen. [*]Players who hit other players into armed mines can now receive KO credit if the mine belonged to the victim or one of his/her teammates. [*]Added new pickup priority for catching armed objects. [*]Increased pickup priority for weapons. [*]New level "Fjord" has been added to the level select screen. (Work in Progress) [*]VALKRI summoner horns no longer appear during tie breakers. [*]Reworked air time velocity bonus formula. Doesn't penalize bouncing as much. Lowers the force of point blank throws. [*]Slightly lowered the velocity at which you leave stun. [*]Your character will actually change direction while charging a throw. For realsies this time. [*]You cannot hold a throw charge longer than 2 seconds. [*]Fixed a bug where you could not catch thrown mines. [/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list] [*]Ground Pounds: Reduced minimum travel times. No longer increase in force the longer they travel. [*]Unarmed Air Side Quick: Reduced AoE size. [*]Unarmed Air Neutral Quick: Reduced recover time. [*]Unarmed Air Heavy: Reduced damage and force. [*]Blasters Air Heavy: Reduced AoE size. Reduced damage. Reduced force. Fixed behavior when used repeatedly in midair. [*]Blasters Air Side Quick: Reduced AoE size. Reduced damage. Increased force. Can not control movement while firing. Fixed a bug where it could hit the same target multiple times per use. [*]Blaster Down Heavy: Slowed time to hit as well as recovery time. [*]Hammer: Ready/idle animation changed slightly to be less awkward. [*]Hammer Side Heavy: Increased the power of the sweet spot. [*]Hammer Side Heavy: Added a small hitbox at the top of the attack that has a smaller impact that hits more diagonally for added effectiveness against airborne opponents. [*]Hammer Air Side Quick: Reduced recover time. [*]Lance Air Heavy: Reduced damage. Reduced force. [*]Lance Air Side Quick: Extended cast time. [*]Lance Air Down Quick: Extended cast time. Made hit box more accurate. [*]Sword Air Up Quick: Made hit box more accurate. [*]Sword Air Heavy: Reduced AoE size. Reduced force. [*]Sword Air Down Quick: Increased recover time. Extended cast time. [*]Sword Side Quick: Increased charge speed and distance. Increased damage, decreased force. Deals damage as a multi-hit rather than single hit. Can move during recover. [*]Sword Down Heavy: Fixed cases where targets could be knocked out harmlessly before the final hit. [*]Spear: Ready/idle animation finished. [*]Spear Air Down Quick: Cleaned up animation. [*]Spear Side Quick: Has been replaced with a new move to better complement the other Spear moves. [*]Spear Side Heavy: Improved animation. [*]Spear Down Quick: Improved range on attack. Increased force on attack. Smoothed animation. [*]Spear Down Heavy: Improved animation. [*]Spear Throw: Travels slightly faster than other weapons. [*]Mines: Will now go off automatically 8 seconds after sticking to a surface if they haven't been triggered by a player yet.[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]The "Leave" button in the end match screen now correct displays the appropriate hotkey for the given input device.[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*]Improved client performance.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed bug where items would drop with an incredibly high velocity after rolling along the ground and falling off a platform. [*]Fixed a bug where inputs would not do anything in Arcade mode. [*]Fixed a bug where scores would show up as "--". [*]Fixed cases where Spear Air Neutral would lose its target before the final hit. [*]Fixed a bug where starting a throw in the air and landing before letting go would cause the throw animation to start over. [*]Fixed an online bug where kills could show up in the broadcast erroneously and/or multiple times.[/list]