Legend Differences [List] [*]Better Stats [List][*]Stats no longer directly oppose each other making them easier to feel in game. [*]Strength - How hard you hit your opponent. The higher your Strength the farther and faster your enemies fly when you connect. [*]Dexterity - How fast you attack. The higher your Dexterity the more quickly you can land attacks and the faster your attacks charge. [*]Defense - How quickly you recover from a hit. The higher your Defense the faster you stop moving after being hit. [*]Speed - How quickly you move. The higher your Speed the faster you can zip around the map.[/List] [*]2 Weapons [List][*]Each character now has two melee weapons they can use in combat. [*]Picking up a weapon drop randomly gives your character one of their two weapons. [*]What weapons a Legend uses are displayed as icons on the select screen and Legend info screen.[/List] [/List] New Weapon [List] [*]Spear has been added as our first new weapon! [*]Thrulk, Nai, and Hattori use the Spear. [*]Stabby stabby! [/List] New Legends [List] [*]Captain Thatch has been added to the roster! [*]Hattori has been added to the roster! [*]Both are now playable by everyone during Alpha. [*]Pirates vs. Ninjas go! [/List] Community Requests [List] [*]Players can now vote for the level they want to play on in Custom Online games! [*]Up to two players can join a match together from one client in "Online Brawl" mode. [*]Updated alternate colors to be less monochromatic. [*]Dialed up gravity and max fall speed to reduce the floatiness feel. [*]Pressing up on the controller no longer jumps. [*]Both attack buttons activate the summoning horn. [*]Fixed the edge case where the online host wouldn't be the first player resulting in not having the correct selection choices (you can no longer 'kick' yourself). [*]Bots recover better when in danger of falling off the map. [*]Bots now wander instead of standing still while waiting for targets to spawn. [/List] Gameplay [List] [*]Online players that leave games get converted to easy bots. [*]Players can now rejoin games in progress. [*]"Brawl Online" games always generate a 4 player game filling in slots with bots as needed. [*]You now come off the bottom of a ledge with velocity pushing away from the wall and facing the proper direction. [*]You glide around corner ceilings now instead of just bouncing off. [*]Players can now influence the angle at which they get hit based on what direction they are pressing when it happens. [*]Down attacks on soft platforms should be significantly easier to pull off. [*]Improved item physics code. [*]Non-explosive thrown items now have an air time bonus damage multiplier that increases the longer an item is airborne, and resets when an item bounces. [*]Decreased the bounciness of the sword. Sword no longer sticks in walls. [*]Items should never hit or explode on players who dodge at the same time and go off without an impact. [*]Items thrown horizontally are now thrown slightly upward so that they actually look more flat. [*]Improved thrown power collision code. [*]Unarmed players can now catch thrown items that are considered dangerous (i.e, they can hit you) if timed properly by pressing Quick Attack right before being hit. [*]Changed threshold when an item is dropped. [*]When you drop a weapon from a hit, it flies off in a similar trajectory. [*]You can no longer charge a throw while wall sliding. [*]Bouncy Bombs and Spike Balls can now be ejected from players' grips as easily as the VALKRI summoner. They were previously as difficult to lose as weapons. [*]Players should no longer be able to dodge mines and bombs that triggered by hitting them. [*]You can now bounce gadgets at your feet to get a different throw angle, except mines, which will ignore your down input if you're not airborne. [*]Items are more accurate when hitting players. Previously hits were occurring too early, especially for wider objects. [*]Charging your throws now ramps faster and has a higher velocity at full charge. [*]All items are removed at the beginning of a tie breaker. [*]You can switch direction charging a throw. [*]Added more respawn points to the two larger maps, and changed the initial and tie-breaker respawns for the small map. [*]Fixed players looking knocked out during the Tie Breaker reset. [*]Players regain use of a jump if they are hit in air when they are out of jumps. [*]Refined kill distances on each map. [*]Diagonal hits are slowed against the angle of velocity as opposed to separately on each axis. This fixes diagonal hits being less effective than horizontal or vertical hits. [*]Cleaned up grab power collision to never go through ceilings and to do partial travels if it would intersect. [*]Improved the hit react logic so that characters aren't spinning in place as frequently. [*]Players will now lose respawn protection early if they attack or pick up a gadget, as opposed to only after they hit someone. [*]Combat priority no longer favors the player with the lower ID, and players can now hit each other simultaneously. [*]Increased duration for 1v1 "Lives" games from 6 minutes to 8 minutes. [*]Made tweaks to dodge roll animations to better match timing and distance of move. [/List]