[b]Networking Overhaul[/b] [list][*]New networking system dramatically reduces online lag![/list] [b]New Legend[/b] [list][*]Queen Nai has been added to the roster! [*]Now playable by everyone during Alpha.[/list] [b]Community Requests[/b] [list][*]Added new color swaps: Orange, Purple, Brown, Cyan. [*]Selecting a color for your Legend now only locks out other Legends from that color choice if they have a similar silhouette. Currently Bödvar and Völst can’t share a color. [*]Increased color swap differences between Green, Red, Orange, and Brown to improve visibility for colorblind players. [*]Lowered the volume of the menu click sound. [*]Default volume of music and sounds has been lowered by 25% [*]An option to rebind the "Throw" command on the keyboard has been added to the key bindings screen and can be found under the options menu from the main lobby. [*]Added a dedicated throw button. Middle mouse click, 'v', and 'h' are the default bindings. [*]Added PC controller support for Nyko Core, GameCube controller with Mayflash adapter, and PS3 controllers using MotioninJoy.[/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list][*]Team games (2v2) now active in Custom Online matches and Local Couch. Color options disabled in this mode. [*]New free for all map added! [*]Legend specific attacks now activate when pressing the heavy button without a direction. The normal neutral attacks have been moved to the down attack. [*]Swapped the neutral and down heavy attacks on the unarmed with each other [*]Maximum number of items spawned on map at the same time scales with players. [*]Armed mines no longer count as spawned weapons. [*]Spawn ratio between weapons and gadgets is more even. [*]Dropping through soft platforms is now instant on pressing down. [*]Chording down and an attack button on a soft platform will still execute the attack without falling through. [*]Fixed physics to not nudge you under the ceiling when you slip off the bottom of a wall. [*]Players don’t leave respawn protection early unless they hit another player. [*]Respawn protection shortened from 3s to 2.5s. [*]You can now aerial dodge upwards. [*]Removed double tap to dodge. [*]Small jumping change. If airborne Legends hit a wall near the top, just missing top ledge, they now mantle up and make the top. [*]Bots now have difficulty toggles. [*]If you're running Steam in Offline mode. You can now play Brawlhalla in offline mode. To play Brawlhalla online, you must restart Steam in Online Mode. [*]Offline games now have the same delay at the start of the game before spawning the first item as online games do. [*]Offline games no longer immediately spawn an item after another item expires when the max number of items were in play. [*]Increased stun recovery speed. [*]Normalized duration of mines, and they can no longer expire when armed unless the owner is eliminated. [*]You can now move with the D-pad on Xbox Controllers[/list] [b]UI[/b] [list][*]Changing costume colors now requires a confirmation. [*]Space is now a default for jump on keyboard. [*]The 'Play Online' button will now attempt to login you into the Brawlhalla servers in the event you are disconnected. [*]The 'Reconnect' button can now be accessed via controller input and no longer requires the mouse to use. [*]Player account information now displays across the top just above the options bar. [*]The lobby window has had its artwork updated. [*]Authentication screen no longer displays a blank frame in the loading animation. [*]Custom Online Game Host now remains host after subsequent games. [*]When alt-tabbing, your character won't get stuck with their current input. [*]In a custom online game, players changing character colors will now display as semi-transparent for other users in the lobby. [*]Players that are currently selecting characters will now broadcast a message to other users in the lobby notifying them that they are choosing a character. [*]Character stats are now visible inside the character selection screen. [*]You can now tell when other players are out of jumps when playing online [*]The "Use Keyboard" option has been moved to a little icon on the right side of the player 1 slot. This button now serves as a toggle between using a keyboard or a gamepad to control the character in this slot. [*]When a gamepad is not detected the hotkeys in the character selection screen will default to the keys used by the keyboard instead of continuing to show the hotkeys related to the gamepad. [*]"Game Options" inside the character selection screen no longer exists. [*]Instead is has been broken down into several options bound to various key inputs: [list][*]"Mode" toggles between "Lives" and "Timed" gameplay. [*]"Type" toggles between playing in teams or playing a free-for-all game. [*]"Settings" will now open an additional control panel where slots can be managed. [list][*]Change team colors [*]Toggle bots on/off [*]Change bot difficulty [*]Disable a slot entirely [*]The "kick" and "ban" player (custom online game host only)[/list][/list][/list] [b]Powers[/b] [list][*]Unarmed Attacks and Thrown Items: New hit sounds. [*]Unarmed Down Heavy: Hitbox timing matches the animation better. [*]Unarmed Side Quick: Animation timing matches the hitboxes and recovery better. [*]Unarmed Side Quick: Increased Damage, decreased Force, increased recovery time. [*]Unarmed Air Heavy: Slightly decreased Damage and Force. [*]Unarmed Air Side Quick: Decreased Force. [*]Ground Jump: Scaled down the cloud animations. [*]Sword Air Side Quick: Slightly decreased Damage and Force. [*]Hammer Side Heavy: Slightly decreased Damage. [*]Hammer Down Heavy: Reduced minimum charge time. [*]Rocket Lance Ground Pound: Tweaked the animation timing to better match the initial descent. [*]Blasters Air Down Quick: Decreased damage, increased recovery time. [*]Blaster Ground Pound: Adjusted hitbox to prevent point blank misses. Increased minimum time to hit. [*]Mine: Removed the drill sound. [*]Bödvar Dragon’s Doom: Slightly increased Damage and Force. Slightly decreased minimum charge time. [*]Bödvar Blood of the Bear: Updated sound effects. [*]Thrulk Heavy Rock Slam: Updated sound effects. [*]Völst: Updated sound effects of all signature powers. [*]Vraxx Saturn Strike: Updated sound effects. [*]Vraxx Raygun Rampage: Updated sound effects.[/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list][*]Improved client performance by smoothing out the rendering process. [*]Improved animation file parsing for less memory usage. [*]Improved client memory usages and sped up game start time. [*]Improved Mac client performance.[/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list][*]Fixed a bug that caused people from not being able to make Custom games. [*]Fixed a bug where VALKRIs could deliver weapons to an old location. [*]Fixed a rare bug that would cause a server disconnect while playing in local mode. [*]The Join Game screen will no longer let you enter more than 4 numbers. [*]Fixed a bug where weapons could be thrown during attacks. [*]Tweaked wall clinging near the top of a wall to look more natural. [*]Fixed a bug where some heavy powers would not increase in damage and impulse when charged. [*]Fixed a bug where items were taking an extra 2.5s to appear after they spawned in online mode. [*]Fixed a bug where items would spawn at the begin of the match and mess with the item spawn rate in online modes. [*]Fixed minor bug causing Vraxx to have a human ear on top of his cowl in some animations. [*]Fixed a bug where a grab power could grab multiple targets. [*]Fixed a bug where aerial heavy powers could get land and get stuck on the ground. [*]Fixed bug where mines don't fire correctly while the mine's owner is dead. [*]Fixed a bug that allowed players to attack backwards off of a wall. [*]Fixed a bug that caused bots to take an indirect path to their target.[/list]