Patch 7.03 launches our newest Battle Pass Season 7: VallhallaQuest! We also released a balance pass in this update, so check out the details below. To view the complete patch notes, visit this post. To catch the latest Brawlhalla news and content, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Discord! This round of balance updates sets the initial stage for the 2023 tournament season. Every Weapon has received various adjustments based on your feedback and tournament results. A variety of Signatures have also received quality of life improvements, as well as reining in some Signatures that were too strong or carried too little risk for their overall utility. This patch also contains the first round of balance updates for the newest Legend and Weapon, Tezca and the Battle Boots, which means Tezca is now legal for use in official Brawlhalla tournaments. Axe The Axe Neutral Air now has slightly greater Stun to allow for more reliable follow-up attacks from this low Force aerial. The Axe Side Air has slightly less Recover time on miss as its risk was proving to be too great in high level matches. Axe Side Air: Decreased Recover time on miss from 2 Fixed/26 Variable to 1 Fixed/26 Variable. Axe Neutral Air: Increased Stun from 25 to 26. Battle Boots The Battle Boots Neutral Light now has slightly greater Time to Hit, given its slightly greater range and carry distance than other attacks of identical Time to Hit. The Side Light's Maximum DI Angle has been greatly increased to prevent repetitive team combos. The Down Light now has greater risk with an increased Recover time on miss that is similar to most other combo starter attacks. The Active Input version of the Side Air has been greatly re-tuned, with a much shorter Hit Window for greatly decreased travel and carry distance, a decrease in Force that takes significantly longer to scale to knockout range and prevents the Stun time from scaling at specific early health ranges, as well as a decrease in Stun time for greater escape windows from follow-up attacks. We have also decreased the Force of the normal Side Air and the Recovery attack for less power from its combo enders and main knockout threats in the neutral game. The Battle Boots Ground Pound now has less threat coverage at the rear and bottom of the charge to allow for more reliable escapes when maneuvering behind this attack. Battle Boots Neutral Light: Increased Time to Hit from 5 to 6. Battle Boots Down Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 5 Fixed/15 Variable to 6 Fixed/15 Variable; Fixed a case where the target could be dropped before the final hit, especially when performed with a Gravity Cancel. Battle Boots Side Light: Increased Maximum DI Angle allowed to prevent repetitive team combos. (Credit: Swirft) Battle Boots Side Air: Decreased Hit Window of the Active Input version from 15 to 12; Decreased Force of the Active Input version from 90 Fixed/30 Variable to 50 Fixed/30 Variable; Decreased Stun of the Active Input version from 17 to 15; Decreased Force of the normal version from 54 Fixed/44 Variable to 55 Fixed/42 Variable. Battle Boots Recovery: Decreased Force from 50 Fixed/44 Variable to 50 Fixed/41 Variable. Battle Boots Ground Pound: Reduced threat coverage at the rear and bottom during the held charge. Blasters The Blasters Down Light now has less threat coverage at the bottom and rear of the first shot as it could previously hit too far behind and below the user when used as a Gravity Cancel. Blasters Down Light: Slightly reduced threat coverage near the bottom and rear of the first shot. Bow The Bow Side Light now does less Damage, given its range and versatility as a string starter. The Bow Neutral Air now has less threat coverage and less acceleration on miss for more reliable spacing and punishes against this attack at mid-to-close range. The Bow Recovery has received a decrease in threat coverage and Force to better match its overall utility and use as a combo ender. Bow Side Light: Decreased Damage from 16 to 14. Bow Neutral Air: Decreased threat coverage at the extreme edges of the attack; Decreased acceleration allowed on miss. Bow Recovery: Decreased threat coverage at the extreme edges of the attack; Decreased Force from 69 Fixed/48 Variable to 69 Fixed/46 Variable. Cannon The Cannon Neutral Light and Side Light now have slightly less Recover time on miss, enabling this weapon's grounded tools to better respond to the pace of other Weapons. Cannon Neutral Light: Decreased Recover time on miss from 3 Fixed/9 Variable to 2 Fixed/9 Variable. Cannon Side Light: Decreased Total Recover time on miss from 13 Fixed/12 Variable to 12 Fixed/12 Variable. Gauntlets The Gauntlets Neutral Light now does less Damage to better match its fast Time to Hit, use as a team combo starter, and use as a potential solo combo ender. The Neutral Light's knockback is now more vertical, reducing its knockout potential and also requiring teammates to be slightly closer together when using this attack during a team combo. The Side Light now has greater Recover time on miss for more reliable punishes on this highly mobile attack. The Gauntlets Side Air now has a shorter Hit Window, providing less threat coverage and movement on the initial lunge. We have increased the Recover time on miss to keep the total duration of this attack the same, while providing a larger window with which to safely respond against this attack. Gauntlets Neutral Light: Decreased Damage from 15 to 13; Angle of knockback is now more vertical. Gauntlets Side Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 3 Fixed/20 Variable to 6 Fixed/20 Variable. Gauntlets Side Air: Decreased Hit Window of the initial swing from 8 to 7; Increased Recover time on miss from 3 Fixed/21 Variable to 4 Fixed/21 Variable. Greatsword The Greatsword Neutral Light Finishers now all have a much more vertical angle of knockback. This increases the knockout potential for these attacks in most situations and provides a greater difference in choice for how to end a chain. The Neutral Light Finishers performed at the end of a full three attack chain have also received an increase in Force for even greater vertical knockout potential, especially when reading an opponent's attempt to vertically escape from an attack chain. Greatsword Neutral Light Finishers: Angle of knockback is now more vertical with a more consistent trajectory for all Neutral Finishers; Increased Force from a range of 90 Fixed/47~45 Variable depending on Bridge to 90 Fixed/49 Variable from all Bridge attacks. Hammer The Hammer Side Light now has slightly greater Stun for more reliable follow-up attacks. The Hammer Neutral Air now has greater allowed acceleration and maximum speed equivalent to its previous values from the start of the 2022 Season. Similarly, the Hammer Side Air now has greater Stun, Force, threat coverage near the user, and a lower angle of knockback that returns this attack to its state from the start of the 2022 Season. Hammer Side Light: Increased Stun from a range of 25~19 to a range of 26~20. Hammer Side Air: Increased Stun from 22 to 25; Angle of knockback is now slightly more vertical; Force increased from 58~52 Fixed/45~44 Variable to 60~55 Fixed/45~44 Variable; Slightly increased threat coverage near the user. Hammer Neutral Air: Slightly increased allowed acceleration and maximum speed during the Time to Hit and Hit Window. Katars The Katars Neutral Light and Neutral Air now have slightly greater Recover time on miss to create wider gaps between this weapon's main poking tools in the neutral game. This power has been shifted into the Side Light as less Recover time on miss for its grounded approach tool. Katars Neutral Light: Increased Recover time on miss from 3 Fixed/12 Variable to 4 Fixed/12 Variable. Katars Side Light: Decreased Recover time on miss from 4 Fixed/16 Variable to 2 Fixed/16 Variable. Katars Neutral Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 5 Fixed/22 Variable to 6 Fixed/22 Variable. Rocket Lance We have increased the Rocket Lance Side Air's Recover time on miss and decreased the allowed acceleration during that Recover time, as this attack carried too little risk for its power and utility. The Rocket Lance Down Air's aerial version has also received an increase to its Recover time on miss to better match its potential reward on hit and overall range. Rocket Lance Side Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 3 Fixed/13 Variable to 5 Fixed/13 Variable; Slightly decreased allowed acceleration during the Recover time. Rocket Lance Down Air: Increased Recover time on miss for the aerial version from 2 Fixed/22 Variable to 4 Fixed/22 Variable. Orb The Orb Neutral Air now has greater risk with more Recover time on miss, but also greater reward with increased Stun for more reliable follow-up attacks at most health ranges. The Orb Side Air now has slightly greater Recover time on miss to better match its knockout potential and use as a combo ender. Orb Neutral Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 5 Fixed/12 Variable to 6 Fixed/12 Variable; Increased Stun from 21 to 23. Orb Side Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 5 Fixed/26 Variable to 6 Fixed/26 Variable. Scythe The Scythe Neutral Air now has greater Recover time on miss for increased risk to better match its high reward in early strings and high utility during edgeguards. The Side Air now does less Damage to decrease the Scythe's reward from its most common strings at early health ranges. Scythe Neutral Air: Increased Recover time on miss from 4 Fixed/20 Variable to 6 Fixed/20 Variable. Scythe Side Air: Decreased Damage from 15 to 13. Spear We have decreased the Damage of the Spear Down Light to decrease its overall rate of Damage, given this attack's role as a combo starter. The Neutral Air now has a smaller radius of threat coverage, resulting in a greater need to properly choose the facing of this attack to get the most range. The Spear Side Air has also received a decrease in Damage to bring this Weapon's overall rate of Damage closer in line with the other Weapons. Spear Down Light: Decreased Damage from 13 to 11. Spear Neutral Air: Decreased threat coverage at the edges of the attack. Spear Side Air: Decreased Damage from 18 to 17. Sword The Sword Side Light now does less Damage to better match its overall threat coverage, and also has less vertical threat coverage to allow more reliable counterplay when attacking the user from above. Some of this power has been shifted into greater Stun on the Down Air for more reliable follow-up attacks. Sword Side Light: Decreased Damage from 17 to 15; Decreased maximum vertical threat coverage. Sword Down Air: Increased Stun from 15 to 16. Azoth The Force of Azoth's Side Bow now begins to decrease after the plumes have completely formed to better match this large Signature's lengthy Hit Window, especially when a dodging player gets struck by the tail end of the attack. Azoth Side Bow: Decreased Force during the end of the Hit Window after the plumes have completely formed from 76 Fixed/54 Variable to a range of 65~55 Fixed/51~48 Variable. Cross We have reduced the Force of Cross' Neutral Gauntlets to bring its knockout potential closer in line with other similar attacks. Cross Neutral Gauntlets: Decreased Force from 75 Fixed/50 Variable to 70 Fixed/48 Variable. Dusk Dusk's Neutral Spear was previously too narrow to be used as a reliable anti-air in most cases, so it now has a larger flame with wider threat coverage. Dusk Neutral Spear: Greatly increased horizontal threat coverage. Ember Ember's Neutral Bow now has a shorter Hit Window, slightly less grounded threat coverage at the front, less threat coverage at the rear, and decreased force. This notably decreases its knockout potential, given its diagonal knockback angle, and slightly decreases its utility and dodge coverage. This power has been shifted into Ember's Neutral Katars for less Recover time and greater Force on this lesser-used anti-air attack. Ember Neutral Bow: Decreased the Hit Window from 11 to 9; Decreased threat coverage at the lower-front and at the rear; Decreased Force from 65 Fixed/54 Variable to 65 Fixed/51 Variable. Ember Neutral Katars: Decreased Recover time from 23 to 20; Increased Force from 75 Fixed/50 Variable to 75 Fixed/53 Variable. Fait Fait's Down Scythe telegraphs its movement a great deal, so we have decreased its Minimum Charge time for greater surprise and utility on this unique attack. Fait Down Scythe: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 12 to 10. Kaya Kaya's Neutral Spear now has less Force to better match its utility and dodge coverage after certain attacks such as a Down Light. Kaya's Down Spear and Neutral Bow now both have greater Minimum Charge time, and respective Time to Hit and time before movement adjustments, to slow down the initial threat of these high utility Signatures and widen Dodge Windows when these attacks are used from most strings. Kaya Neutral Spear: Decreased Force from 70 Fixed/53 Variable to 70 Fixed/51 Variable. Kaya Down Spear: Increased Time to Hit from 13 to 15; Increased Minimum Charge time from 36 to 38. Kaya Neutral Bow: Increased Minimum Charge time from 11 to 13; Increased time before movement begins from 2 to 4. Lin Fei The total duration of Line Fei's Neutral Cannon is one of the fastest in the game and can be difficult to answer as the attack ends in the air, so we have increased the Recover time for more reliable punish attempts. Lin Fei Neutral Cannon: Increased total Recover time from 16 to 19. Magyar Magyar's Side Hammer had significantly less total threat coverage than other similar attacks, so we have increased the size of the ground strike for much greater threat coverage near the user. Magyar's Down Hammer now has a quicker response with less Minimum Charge time and earlier movement for more reliable use. We have greatly increased the Force of Magyar's Neutral Greatsword to better match its total duration and relatively narrow threat coverage. Magyar Down Hammer: Decreased Time before movement from 7 to 4; Decreased Minimum Charge time from 23 to 20. Magyar Side Hammer: Increased threat coverage at the rear and top of the attack. Magyar Neutral Greatsword: Increased Force from 85 Fixed/55 Variable to 85 Fi