Patch 3.13 - New Test Features, Skins, Bug Fixes.
Author: Raidhyn,
published 6 years ago,
[i]Hello and welcome to patch 3.13! The popular 1v1 Ghost Brawl has now been expanded to 2v2! Grab a friend, or queue up to find a teammate and evolve your ghostly duels into full on 2v2 team battles. We’ve also made camera improvements, added new test features, squashed some bugs, and added new items to Mallhalla. [/i]
[h1]Mallhalla [/h1]
[*]Dunewalker Mordex - [i]“You’ll laugh till you die.” [/i][/*]
[*]Matsuri Yumiko - [i]“Poise, grace, and a deadly hammer swing!” [/i][/*]
[h1]The Winter Championship Pack is Available on Steam! [/h1]
[i]Show your support for Brawlhalla Esports with the Winter Championship Pack on Steam! This limited time pack includes the following items. The pack is currently available on Steam only, and will be added to the PlayStation Store soon! [/i]
[*]Winter Championship 2018 Avatar [/*]
[*]Sword Skin - The Frozen Edge [/*]
[*]300 Mammoth Coins [/*]
[i]You can watch the Brawlhalla Winter Championship this weekend on Twitch! [/i]
[*]Live on [/*]
[*]Saturday & Sunday from 12PM ET to 6PM ET[/*]
[h1]Brawl of the Week - Ghost Brawl 2v2! [/h1]
[i]Now tackle Ghost Brawl with a friend in this new 2v2 Brawl of the Week! [/i]
[*]Quickly go invisible when you don’t use any powers in this tense game mode.[/*]
[*]Stay invisible too long, or use any power (including dodge) and you’re visible once more![/*]
[*]2v2 Rules and Mapset[/*]
[*]200% Damage[/*]
[*]Friendly Fire OFF[/*]
[*]Queue solo or with a friend! [/*]
[h1]Maps [/h1]
[*]Increased resolution of Miami Dome background art. [/*]
[*]Adjusted the camera bounds of several maps to be exactly 16:9 so that the camera behaves best for the most players. The kill boundaries are unchanged for these maps. Maps changed are:
[*]Small Twilight Grove[/*]
[*]Twilight Grove[/*]
[*]Small Kings Pass [/*]
[*]Miami Dome[/*]
[*]The Great Hall[/*]
[*]Small Great Hall[/*]
[*]King’s Pass[/*]
[*]Mammoth Fortress[/*]
[*]Small Mammoth Fortress[/*]
[*]Grumpy Temple[/*]
[*]Small Grumpy Temple [/*]
[*]Blackguard Keep [/*]
[*]The Enigma[/*]
[*]Shipwreck Falls[/*]
[*]Small Blackguard Keep[/*]
[*]Small Thundergard Stadium[/*]
[*]Big Thundergard Stadium[/*]
[*]Thundergard Stadium[/*]
[h1]Test Features [/h1]
[*]New Test Feature: Ledge Canceling only works if the player is also holding left or right in addition to holding down. This should address the frustration point of trying to perform a dAir or ground pound and getting snapped to a soft platform instead. [/*]
[*]Increased the odds that test maps are picked for the Experimental queue.[/*]
[*]Added a new test version of Small Great Hall called "Small Great Hall Test". It has a narrower top platform that is now within dash-jump height of the middle tier of soft platforms. It also has shorter walls, and items do not spawn on the top platform. It has replaced the current version of Small Great Hall in the Experimental 1v1 queue. [/*]
[*]Updated the Small Twilight Grove test map: the collision for the top point of the wedge is now 50 pixels (or about 1/3 character height) shorter to make it more manageable to recover over the top.[/*]
[*]Reduced the width of Small Brawlhaven by 15% to further separate it from Shipwreck Falls.[/*]
[h1]Weekly Legend Rotation [/h1]
This week’s new Legend Rotation features Ada, Asuri, Azoth, Kor, Nix, and Orion.
[h1]Bug Fixes [/h1]
[*]Fixed Kaya side bow buildup SFX not playing on PS4.[/*]
[*]Fixed a bug that would cause Ranno's hands not color swap on the Shrug Taunt on PS4[/*]
[*]PS4 fixed a display bug where hurtboxes, hitboxes and offscreen bubbles were not in the correct spot.[/*]
[*]Fixed bug causing UI paging arrows to disabled when viewing the first and last pages while page wrapping is enabled for both the Tournament Registration and Game Settings screens.[/*]