[i][url=http://www.brawlhalla.com/c/uploads/2016/12/cosmicchestpromo.png][img]http://www.brawlhalla.com/c/uploads/2016/12/cosmicchestpromo-1024x576.png[/img][/url][/i] Welcome to Patch 2.39! In this patch we’re introducing the new Cosmic Chest that was recently discovered on an abandoned road between forgotten worlds. We’re also adding a number of UI Improvements and Balance changes in this patch as we prepare for Season 3! [h1]New Cosmic Chest![/h1] [list] [*]Recently discovered near an edge of the Bifröst, the Cosmic Chest is now available for purchase in Mallhallla. [/*] [*]The Cosmic Chest comes with three chest exclusives: [list] [*]Apex Asuri[/*] [*]General Vraxx[/*] [*]Infinitine Wu Shang[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]The chest contains 15 other skins, for 18 Legend Skins total. [/*] [/list]   [h1]UI Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]Inventory screen now supports paging for players who own large amounts of items in a category[/*] [*]Inventory cursor color has been changed from light blue to yellow to stand out more[/*] [*]Inventory cursor now snaps to its destination instead of slowly transitioning to it[/*] [*]Inventory cursor now remembers its last location until the item category is changed or the screen is closed[/*] [*]Stepping into or changing item categories in the inventory will now trigger the cursor to jump to the currently equipped item on its respective page[/*] [*]Equipping an item in the inventory will now trigger a feedback animation to make the user action more clear[/*] [*]Total number of inventory rows has been reduced for each category now that paging has been implemented[/*] [/list]   [h1]Test Features[/h1] [list] [*]Added to Test Features - While Slide Charging a signature in midair, the power can be steered at 40% normal movement speed until the first hitbox or the charge is released.[/*] [/list]   [h1]Controller Support[/h1] [list] [*]Added PC support for the PS4 controller using Sony's official DualShock 4 USB Wireless Adaptor.[/*] [/list]   [h1]New Legend Rotation[/h1] [list] [*]Cross is on the free Legend Rotation for the first time! [/*] [*]This week’s Legend Rotation features Asuri, Azoth, Cassidy, Cross, Jhala, and Orion. [/*] [/list]   [h1]Balance[/h1] [i]With Season 3 right around the corner, we have improved the reliability of a number of anti-air Signatures, as well as a few other under-utilized Signature powers.[/i] [h1]Gauntlets[/h1] [i]The Gauntlets find a faster Time to Hit on the Recovery attack, which opens it up as a reliable followup attack in several situations, as well as a more reliable attack on airborne opponents.[/i] [list] [*]Gauntlets Recovery: Decreased Time to Hit from 10 to 8.[/*] [/list] [h1]Blasters[/h1] [i]Intended in Patch 2.38, we are fixing the missing balance change to Blasters Neutral Air.[/i] [list] [*]Blasters Neutral Air: Decreased Damage of the shots from 20 & 17 to 18 & 15 (Intended in 2.38)[/*] [/list] [h1]Azoth[/h1] [i]Azoth’s Side Axe has a lengthy total duration that made it hard to find use in play, so we have sped up its overall commitment in the form of some decreased Fixed Recovery.[/i] [list] [*]Azoth Side Axe: Decreased Fixed Recovery from 21 to 19.[/*] [/list] [h1]Brynn[/h1] [i]Brynn’s Neutral Spear was relatively slow for an anti-air, so we have reduced the Minimum Charge for more reliable use.[/i] [list] [*]Brynn Neutral Spear: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 8 to 6.[/*] [/list] [h1]Diana[/h1] [i]Much Like Brynn’s Neutral Spear, Diana’s Neutral Bow has a fairly long Time to Hit, so we are speeding this one up as well for use against flighty opponents.[/i] [list] [*]Diana Neutral Bow: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 7 to 5.[/*] [/list] [h1]Ember[/h1] [i]Ember is seeing a number of buffs to her lesser used kit of Bow Signatures. The increased speed and damage to the kit should make these more desirable options during a fight.[/i] [list] [*]Ember Neutral Bow: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 7 to 6; Decreased Time to Hit after charge from 7 to 6.[/*] [*]Ember Side Bow: Increased Damage from 20 to 23.[/*] [/list] [h1]Jhala[/h1] [i]Jhala’s Down Sword has been made into a quicker option to compensate for its relatively small range. With the solid Damage and Force that this attack already commands, it can be a great option in close range or as a dodge punish.[/i] [list] [*]Jhala Down Sword: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 10 to 8.[/*] [/list] [h1]Kor[/h1] [i]Kor’s under-utilized Hammer Signatures have received faster Minimum Charge as they could be too difficult to use in a fast-paced battle.[/i] [list] [*]Kor Down Hammer: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 8 to 6.[/*] [*]Kor Neutral Hammer: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 8 to 5.[/*] [/list] [h1]Queen Nai[/h1] [i]With the theme of improved anti-air attacks, Queen Nai has received reduced Fixed Recovery to her Neutral Spear, lending itself as a more desirable option when fighting airborne opponents.[/i] [list] [*]Queen Nai Neutral Spear: Decreased Fixed Recovery from 18 to 16.[/*] [/list] [h1]Sir Roland[/h1] [i]Sir Roland’s Neutral Lance has been reduced in overall duration in the form of slightly reduced Minimum Charge time and slightly reduced Fixed Recovery. Mount up and charge into battle![/i] [list] [*]Sir Roland Neutral Lance: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 5 to 4; Decreased Fixed Recovery from 15 to 14.[/*] [/list] [h1]Thatch[/h1] [i]Thatch’s Down Blasters is a relatively slow Signature, however it is now quicker to fire with a reduced Minimum Charge time, making it easier to work this attack into the tides of battle. [/i] [list] [*]Thatch Down Blasters: Decreased Minimum Charge time from 16 to 13.[/*] [/list]   [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1]   [list] [*]Fixed a bug that could allow players to be hit after death in very rare cases.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug that allowed grabs to place players inside team walls that they couldn't normally pass through.[/*] [*]Fixed bug occasionally causing inventory equipment slot cursor to not visually return to the correct slot when switching between mouse and controller devices.[/*] [*]Fixed bug causing the equipment token to sometimes display over the wrong item in the collection grid.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug that would cause the gauntlet's ground pound to sometimes not play the hit react effects on hit.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug that would cause Azoth's art to not display correctly in his Neutral Axe signature.[/*] [/list]