Hotfixes and Interface Improvements - Patch 2.59.1
Author: Raidhyn,
published 7 years ago,
[i]This minor patch addresses some of the immediate feedback on the User Interface and discovered bugs after yesterday’s patch. Thanks everyone for your feedback! [/i]
[h1] User Interface [/h1]
[*]Corner menu has been returned to its original right justification location.
[*]Corner menu buttons have been scaled up slightly for better readability.
[*]Corner menu headcount texts have had their sizes increased.
[*]Corner menu no longer overlaps the store window.
[*]Corner menu gold display is now a single left aligned text field with comma formatting for larger numbers.
[*]Corner menu clan tab head now reads: "Clan" instead of "Clans".
[*]Corner menu no longer transitions into other screens when changing tabs. Instead all of the fading and interpolating animations have been removed. Now the windows will not jump to their final state upon changing tabs.
[*]Corner menu tooltip for missions now reads: "Notifications".
[*]Friends list font sizes and avatars have been scaled up and now contain more elements per page.
[*]Clan list font sizes and avatars have been scaled up and now contains more elements per page.
[*]Game room list font sizes and avatars have been scaled back up.
[*]Game room now contains closer to the original number of elements per page.
[*]Back button in character select is now pinned to the top-left corner.
[*]Victory and Defeat taunt equipment slots now read: "Used post match" instead of "For scoreboard".
[*]Scaled up controller hotkeys for taunt slots in the inventory.
[*]Account XP bar is now a solid blue color.
[*]Mission and notification headcount matte displays blue instead of red and the text color has been changed to a yellow.
[*]Selected tab in the corner menu will now display a yellow rim for clarity.
[h1] Replays [/h1]
[i]We are adding a dedicated view replay button to replace the gameroom button when on the main menu. It didn't quite make it in time, so in the short term, it will temporarily stay under settings.[/i]
[*]Better replay menu visibility coming soon!
[h1] Bugs and Gameplay Fixes [/h1]
[*]Yumiko Neutral Hammer: Fixed some cases where target could be [*]dropped before the final hit. (Credit GraverageGaming)
[*]Yumiko Neutral Bow: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped [*]before the final hit. (Credit GraverageGaming)
[*]Yumiko Side Bow: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit.
[*]Fixed a bug that could cause power animations to stop playing when a projectile fired by the power ends (Like Ada’s Blasters Neutral signature for example). (Credit Ikesow11)
[*]Fixed a bug that could allow cooldown times to be overwritten by another power use. (Credit SlenderNesia)
[*]Fixed a naming conflict with Doom Bringer by renaming the new weapon to Bane Bringer.