[i]Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! The New Legend Rotation is here featuring Brynn, Cassidy, Ember, Orion, Sentinel and Thatch. [/i] [h1]Brynn[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Axe & Spear [*]Stats: 5/5/5/7 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Brynn [/list] [h1]Cassidy[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Blasters & Hammer [*]Stats: 6/8/4/4 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Cassidy [/list] [h1]Ember[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Bow + Katar [*]Stats: 6/6/3/7 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Ember [/list] [h1]Orion[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Rocket Lance & Spear [*]Stats: 4/6/6/6 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Orion [/list] [h1]Sentinel[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Hammer & Katars [*]Stats: 5/4/7/6 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Sentinel [/list] [h1]Thatch[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Blasters & Sword [*]Stats: 7/5/3/7 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Thatch [/list] Read more about all the Legends here: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Legends