[i] This is it everyone! The last patch before we go into Open Beta next week. We’ve added 8 Players in custom lobbies, (we recommend Brawlball, it’s amazing with 8 people) a new mechanic called Gravity Canceling, new music, and a bunch of other things. Don’t forget to tell everyone you know that Open Beta is just around the corner! [/i] [h1] 8 Player Brawlhalla! [/h1][list] [*]You can now set the maximum players allowed in your custom online games to anywhere between 2 and 8 (yes, eight) players! [*]There are also some new, silly, big versions of old maps to enjoy with 5-8 players in custom online: Big Twilight Grove, Big Titan's End, and Big Thundergard Stadium! [*]The spectate lobby does not yet support showing more than 4 players, so if there are 4 or more players in the room but a spectator can still join, it will show the 4th slot as empty.The level roulette at the end of the level select phase also still only shows up to 4 votes, but trust us, every vote is counted. [/list] [h1] Gravity Canceling and Dodge Changes [/h1] Gravity cancels are now in the game! A gravity cancel is a new mechanic. It can be performed by spot dodging first and then canceling its duration with a grounded attack. Gravity canceling can be done with any spot dodge, air or grounded, any time you have your dodge available. Because of this change we’ve made a few adjustments to the spot dodge to make this easier to perform. In our playtests we had a lot of fun with gravity cancels, but we’re not expecting it to take over the game. Standard styles of play are still very viable, and gravity cancels will take a fair amount of skill to be useful. Good luck and have fun! [list] [*]Extended spot dodge duration to 24 frames. [*]You have to wait 2 ticks after spot dodging before a gravity cancel is possible. [*]Gravity cancels enforce the air dodge cooldown even if grounded. [*]You can turn out of your spot dodge for down and neutral gravity canceled attacks. [*]Signatures have been adjusted to prevent signature hits through hard edge corners. [/list] [h1] New Music! [/h1][list] [*]New intro music when you start the game! [*]Main theme lasts until your first game starts and then transitions to the subtle stuff.[/list] [h1] Community Requests [/h1][list] [*]Moved the small soft platforms on Great Hall outwards a tad to make the map more comfortable. [*]Camera no longer cares about items in games with more than 2 players, and the camera does a better job of making sure that respawning players can see where they will be dropped (this was mostly an issue on Great Hall, but has been applied everywhere). [*]Increased the surface area of the platform tops in Brawlhaven, Grumpy Temple, Kings Pass, and Thundergard Stadium for clarity (visual change only). [*]Dodging in the same direction of an item will not provide dodge forgiveness immunity. Ex: Dodging away from a throw means you will be immediately vulnerable to a weapon thrown directly at you. [*]Brought down jump velocity off the wall slightly. [*]Adjusted the air turning penalty so that it isn't as harsh for slower characters (Should be more evenly applied). [*]Air turning penalty lowered slightly and adjusted so that coming back from a hit isn't as hard.[/list] [h1] UI/Art [/h1][list] [*]As the leader, you can now edit your server location and set your privacy level in matchmaking lobbies. You can also see what settings that you'll be playing with [*]Added a new version of the player management menu in the upper left hand corner of the character select [*]Chat collapse/expand mode now remembers your previous state, and doesn't always start expanded. [*]Main Menu now has helpful messages about each option. [*]Name Abbreviations will no longer use THE if you have THE in your name and a space following the THE. ex: TheGoblin = THE, The Goblin = GOB [*]The player who opens the settings menu in the character select screen is now the only one who can navigate it. [*]Brightness/contrast adjustments made to Mammoth background and platforms for readability. [*]Playing offline while server is restarting no longer boots you to main menu. [*]Updated color schemes to apply more consistently, particularly to weapons. [*]Adjusted the dodge animation when a legend is holding Blasters to better support the new dodge durations.[/list] [h1] Replays [/h1][list] [*]Combat detail options added to replay controls: Show full names, hitboxes, hurtboxes, damage, and stun are available in replay mode. [*]Added a button that opens the replays folder in your operating system’s file browser. [*]Added keyboard controls to Replays: Left/Right = Rewind/Fast forward. Space = play/pause. [*]Greatly increased performance on showing the replay directory listings, especially if you had over a hundred replays. [*]Fixed a bug where the play game options would show underneath the accounts page. [*]Fixed a bug where the top bar buttons would be in the wrong state after exiting replays. [*]Fixed a bug where the replay overlay would be above the controls screen (and other screens). [*]Training mode will no longer be saving replays. [*]Minor performance improvements in watching replays.[/list] [h1] Input Improvements [/h1][list] [*]Now using radial inputs for throws and dodging (big thanks to u/TerminalPlantain for his research that led to this). [*]The old method of favoring cardinal directions is still used for all other inputs such as moving, jumping and attack direction selection.[/list] [h1] Performance [/h1][list] [*]Added memory pooling which should greatly increase performance in online play and decrease cpu spikes. [*]Additional client performance improvements. [/list] [h1] Controller Support [/h1][list] [*]PC Support for Recoil retractable cord controller [*]PC Support for Dynacom Joystick [*]More PC Support for Wii Classic Controller with Mayflash adapter. [/list] [h1] Drop Fixes [/h1][list] [*]Katar Recovery: Fixed some cases where the target could be dropped before the final hit. [Credit OnTilt, Jaximus] [*]Vraxx Side Lance: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. [Credit Antlan] [*]Unarmed Neutral Light: Cancels momentum on hit. Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. [Credit MaximusMaxy] [*]Sword Neutral Light: Cancels momentum on hit. Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. [Credit OnTilt] [*]Katar Neutral: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. [Credit OnTilt] [*]Asuri Sword Down: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. [Credit ButaTensei, OnTilt, BerserkExo] [*]Hammer Neutral Light: Fixed a case where target could be dropped before the final hit.[/list] [h1] Bug Fixes [/h1][list] [*]Fixed a long standing bug that shows the game and the UI when playing right when server is restarting. [*]Fixed a few instances where you're left with the background with no UI (There still may be some. Keep reporting these!) [*]Fixed bug where random item seed wasn't being reset in tournament mode (Credit: Mongelo). [*]Fixed a bug where checks for whether certain powers will hit the ground would show up as hitboxes in training mode and could deal a point of damage. [*]Fixed a bug where Recover Time on Barraza Side Axe could be longer than intended when jumping from a higher platform to a lower one. [*]Fixed PC support issues for Fusa gamepad. [*]Fixed a rare fatal error when browsing replays. [*]Fixed a bug where 2v2 ranked replays would have the wrong colors. [*]Fixed some issues where Stats inconsistently affected certain powers, especially on Barraza.