2.9 Patch Notes
Author: [BMG] Raidhyn,
published 8 years ago,
[i]We’re excited to be releasing Ulgrim! If you’ve been following the hype on our Dev Streams we know everyone is excited to see him enter the fight. This patch includes a number of Server improvements, UI improvements, balance changes, and a slew of other things. As always, your feedback is appreciated![/i]
Full notes can be read on our website here: http://www.brawlhalla.com/news/patch29/
[h1][b]New Legend! [/b][/h1]Ulgrim - The Unyielding Anvil, Son of Ivaldi has entered Brawlhalla!
Weapons: Axe & Lance
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 3
Armor: 7
Move Speed: 6
[h1][b]Last Week for Valhallentine’s Skins and Colors [/b][/h1]
Valhallentine’s celebrations are winding down and while bonus gold is gone, we’re going to have one more week where Valhallentine’s Skins and Colors will be available! If you’ve been waiting, this is your last chance!
[h1][b]New Weekly Legend Rotation [/b][/h1]
This week’s Legend Rotation consists of Brynn, Ember, Queen Nai, Sentinel, Scarlet & Thatch.
[h1][b]Servers [/b][/h1][i]
We’ve been continuing our tests with new servers. Australian servers are looking solid, and the new Brazilian servers we’ve switched to are performing better than the old ones. Come to our Dev Stream on Thursday, March 3rd, at 3PM to talk with us about bringing these servers to Ranked and other topics related to the upcoming Ranked Refresh. [/i]
[list] [*]US-West server option added to custom online games. [/*] [*]Server performance improvements. [/*]
[h1] Balance Adjustments, UI Improvements, Bug Fixes and More! [/h1]
Visit the full patch notes for every detail on our website at http://www.brawlhalla.com/news/patch29/