2.9.2 Patch Notes
Author: Dinohedron,
published 8 years ago,
[i]Our big New Season patch has been pushed until next week, we need some extra testing time for all of the big server and ranked changes. This week we've focused on improving Mammoth Coin pack values and how they line up with the store![/i]
[h1]Mammoth Coin Upgrade![/h1]
[list][*]All Mammoth Coin improvements are being retroactively given to anyone who has purchased Mammoth Coins to date!
[*]General price of Mammoth Coins has come down.
[*]Larger discounts in place for bigger Coin bundles.
[*]Coin Packs match up better with store prices, especially at the lower end.
[*]All 85 Coin Items now cost 80 Coins.
[*]New Coin Packs and DLC Coin Values (all prices in USD, conversions varry)
[list][*]$5.99 140 Coins
[*]$12.99 340 Coins
[*]$19.99 540 Coins
[*]$34.99 1000 Coins
[*]$49.99 1600 Coins
[*]Valhalla Pack 500 Coins
[*]Collector's Pack 3500 Coins[/list]
[*]Retroactive Coins given for each old Coin Pack Purchased
[list][*]$4.99 +20 Coins
[*]$9.99 +40 Coins
[*]$14.99 +70 Coins
[*]$19.99 +110 Coins
[*]$49.99 +500 Coins[/list]
[*]Retroactive Coins given for each Steam DLC Pack Purchased
[list][*]Valhalla Pack +70 Coins
[*]Collectors Pack + 100 Coins
[*]Founders Pack +80 Coins
[*]Founders and Friends Pack +140 Coins
[*]Retroactive Coins given for each in-game Store purchase
[*]Anyone who purchased an item at 85 Coins will be given the 5 Coin difference.
[*]Anyone who purchased a sale item at 45 Coins will be given 5 Coins.[/list][/list]
[h1]New Skins Available![/h1]
[list][*]Annihilator Azoth
[*]Awakened Asuri
[*]Kitsune Hattori
[*]Kiss of Fire (Katars Skin)
[*]Firehawk (Sidekick)[/list]
[h1]New Weekly Legend Rotation[/h1]
[list][*]Weapons: Hammer & Sword
[*]Stats: 6/6/5/5
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Bodvar[/list]
[h1]Lord Vraxx[/h1]
[list][*]Weapons: Rocket Lance & Blasters
[*]Stats: 4/8/4/6
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Lord_Vraxx[/list]
[h1]Queen Nai[/h1]
[list][*]Weapons: Spear & Katars
[*]Stats: 7/4/8/3
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Queen_Nai[/list]
[list][*]Weapons: Axe & Spear
[*]Stats: 5/5/5/7
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Brynn[/list]
[list][*]Weapons: Katars & Sword
[*]Stats: 4/7/5/6
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Asuri[/list]
[list][*]Weapons: Axe & Blasters
[*]Stats: 6/4/8/4
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Barraza[/list]