2.8.2 Patch Notes and Legend Rotation
Author: [BMG] Raidhyn,
published 8 years ago,
[i]2.8.2 is here! We've been working hard at server improvements and have launched some improvements in this patch. Please let us know if your experience has improved in this patch, as always your feedback is invaluable.[/i]
[h1][b]New Sale Items [/b][/h1] [list] [*]Dark Age Orion Skin[/*] [*]Facepalm Taunt[/*][/list] [h1][b]New Legend Rotation[/b][/h1] [url=http://www.brawlhalla.com/c/uploads/2016/02/224LegendRotation.png][img]http://www.brawlhalla.com/c/uploads/2016/02/224LegendRotation-1024x576.png[/img][/url]
[*]Weapons: Sword & Katar
[*]Stats: 4/7/5/6
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Asuri
[*]Weapons: Blasters & Hammer
[*]Stats: 6/8/4/4
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Cassidy
[h1] Koji [/h1]
[*]Weapons: Bow & Sword
[*]Stats: 5/8/4/5
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Koji
[h1]Lord Vraxx[/h1]
[*]Weapons: Rocket Lance & Blasters
[*]Stats: 4/8/4/6
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Lord_Vraxx
[*]Weapons: Rocket Lance & Spear
[*]Stats: 4/6/6/6
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Orion
[*]Weapons: Axe & Hammer
[*]Stats: 8/3/6/5
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Teros
[h1]Server Performance Improvements[/h1]
[*]Game Server performance improvements (Please let us know if it helps)[/*]
[*]Spectate Server performance improvements. (Should fix strange issues people saw over the weekend.)[/*][/list]