[url=http://www.brawlhalla.com/c/uploads/2017/03/space-dogfighter-vraxx.png][img]http://www.brawlhalla.com/c/uploads/2017/03/space-dogfighter-vraxx-1024x512.png[/img][/url]   [i]Welcome to Patch 2.53! We have a number of new items, user interface improvements, controller support, multikeyboard improvements, and bug fixes in this patch. While you enjoy this week we’re working hard on preparing Mordex and a number of other huge updates to next week’s patch! Don’t forget to swing by our Dev Streams on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 1PM ET on twitch.tv/brawlhalla to get a preview on what’s coming up with Brawlhalla. [/i]   [h1][h1]Mallhalla [/h1][/h1] [list] [*]Imperial Chest is now available to open in Mallhalla with three exclusive skins. [list] [*]Death Adder Hattori[/*] [*]Warrior Spirit Kor[/*] [*]Yakuza Koji[/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [list] [*]Space Dogfighter Vraxx - [i]“The lore is strong with this one.” [/i][/*] [*]Dark Heart Scythe - “[i]The harvest has begun.”[/i][/*] [*][i]Bragnarok East Avatar -  “Brawlhalla: 1514. PAX East: 295. Stock count enshrined!” [/i][/*] [/list]   [h1][h1]Gameplay Improvements[/h1][/h1] [i]We've heard feedback from several players asking us to reconsider the loss of mobility when a dodge is canceled into a wall. Movement from the dodge has been added back.[/i] [list] [*]When a dodge is canceled on wall collision, it now keeps the movement of the dodge and only loses invulnerability.[/*] [/list]   [h1][h1]Animation Improvements [/h1][/h1] [list] [*]Adjusted Teros Down Axe charge up pose to improve individuality and identification when compared to his other Axe signatures.[/*] [*]Animation adjustments to Teros Down Axe Sig.[/*] [*]Smoothing adjustments to Vraxx Select Screen animations.[/*] [/list]   [h1][h1]User Interface[/h1][/h1] [list] [*]Main menu now retains cursor memory instead of always resetting back to the "Online" option.[/*] [*]Casual online options view has been updated to a new visual motif.[/*] [*]Updated the Report Bug screen to include a link to the Brawlhalla support website (brawlhalla.com/support/).[/*] [*]Main menu button options and tiles scaled up to better fit the empty space in the initial main menu view.[/*] [*]The scoreboard screen at the end of online games now shows your room number.[/*] [*]Updated UI menu background art to closer match the original aesthetic.[/*] [/list]   [h1][h1]Controller Support [/h1][/h1] [list] [*]Dual analog controllers with sticks that click (e.g., Xbox and Playstation controllers) can now frame step in Training Mode and Replays. [list] [*]Clicking both sticks at the same time will pause/play.[/*] [*]Clicking the left stick while paused will step back.[/*] [*]Clicking the right stick while paused will step forward.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]The old way of frame stepping with a controller in replays will also still work (right stick up or down to pause, right stick left to play backwards, right stick right to play forwards).[/*] [/list]   [h1][h1]Multikeyboard Support[/h1][/h1] [list] [*]Chatting now works properly with Multikeyboard enabled.[/*] [*]Added frame-stepping support for Multikeyboard (same as normal: F5 step back, F6 step forward, F7 play).[/*] [/list]   [h1][h1]New Legend Rotation [/h1][/h1] This week’s Legend Rotation features Ada, Asuri, Azoth, Cassidy, Scarlet, and Wu Shang.   [h1][h1]Bug Fixes[/h1][/h1] [list] [*]Fixed missing color swaps on Darkheart weapon set.[/*] [*]Fixed bug where screen shake was too intense on a thrown Proximity Mine hit.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where resetting your keyboard controls while in Training mode would leave you unable to use the frame stepping commands. [/*] [*]Fixed a bug where colors were not always what you'd expect when either switching from teams to FFA or when switching to or from Strikeout/Switchcraft to another mode where you select only one Legend.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where the camera would lock to the top of the screen instead of centering itself when playing a fixed camera game mode (Catch Bombs Training, Bombsketball, DodgeBomb, etc) with a screen ratio that is wider than 16:9.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug in training mode where any gadget given to a bot could not be picked up by the player if they knocked it out of the bot's hands. [/*] [*]Fixed a bug where the host of a game that forces teams on (e.g., Brawlball) could never start the game if his or her team had one fewer player than the opposing team.[/*] [/list]