2.5.3 - Patch Notes
Author: Raidhyn,
published 9 years ago,
[h1]2.5.3 Patch Notes [/h1]
[i] We've got some big things in the works right now, so for now we hope you enjoy this minor patch. Don't worry, big features and more content are on their way! In the mean time we have the...[/i]
[*]We are having our first Mallhalla sale!
[*]Big Rig Bödvar and Snake Charmer Nai Legend Skins are on sale!
[h1] New Weekly Legend Rotation [/h1]
[*]Weapons: Blasters & Spear
[*]Stats: 6/7/3/6
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Ada
[*]Weapons: Blasters & Hammer
[*]Stats: 6/8/4/4
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Cassidy
[*]Weapons: Bow + Katar
[*]Stats: 6/6/3/7
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Ember
[h1]Queen Nai[/h1]
[*]Weapons: Katars & Spear
[*]Stats: 7/4/8/3
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Queen_Nai
[h1]Sir Roland[/h1]
[*]Weapons: Sword & Rocket Lance
[*]Stats: 5/5/8/4
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Sir_Roland
[*]Weapons: Axe & Hammer
[*]Stats: 8/3/6/5
[*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Teros
[h1] Mallhalla [/h1]
[*]Giants' Bane Axe Skin added to store.
[*]Azoth is now 5400 gold. (Down from 7200)
[*]Did we mention sales?
[*]Updated button aesthetics in store and the related screens
[*]Tweaked fonts for store and refund items to improve readability
[h1]Performance Improvements[/h1]
[*]Made it easier to dodge upward on controller
[*]Improved core server performance.
[h1] Controller Support[/h1]
[*]PC Support for Speedlink STRIKE FX
[*]Mac support for Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2
[*]PC Spport for Natec Genesis P44
[*]PC support for Hama Combat Bow
[*]Fixes for the 1 and 2 buttons for Logitech COrdless RumblePad2 on PC.
[*]Fixed inverted sticks on Sven X-Pad for PC
[h1] Bug Fixes [/h1]
[*]Fixed a bug where replays would desync causing players to appear to run off the stage.
[*]Fixed a bug where the chat would stop working.
[*]Fixed a display issue causing the store and refund legends and skins to sometimes overlap and cover up item display text
[*]Fixed a display bug causing mouse interaction on store items to display both the controller and mouse highlighters at the same time