[h1]New Skin[/h1] [list] [*]Steamsmith Scarlet Skin is now available in the store![/list] [h1]Snowballs still flying![/h1] [list] [*]The Brawlidays are finally at a close, but Snowbrawl is still available![/list] [h1] New Legend Rotation [/h1] [h1]Bödvar[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Sword & Hammer [*]Stats: 6/6/5/5 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Bodvar [/list] [h1]Brynn[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Axe & Spear [*]Stats: 5/5/5/7 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Brynn [/list] [h1]Lucien[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Katars & Blasters [*]Stats: 3/5/6/8 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Lucien [/list] [h1]Orion[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Rocket Lance & Spear [*]Stats: 4/6/6/6 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Orion [/list] [h1]Scarlet[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Rocket Lance & Hammer [*]Stats: 8/5/5/4 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Scarlet [/list] [h1]Thatch[/h1] [list] [*]Weapons: Blasters & Sword [*]Stats: 7/5/3/7 [*]Details: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Thatch [/list] Read more about all the Legends here: http://wiki.brawlhalla.com/w/Legends [h1]Community Request[/h1] [list] [*]Daily missions are now offset so that not everyone gets the same mission every day. This should add more variety to which Legends you see when playing online. [*]Lifted of the ladder information in ranked 2v2 mode to prevent diamond player's banners from getting cut off. [*]Sunset and Gray are now unlocked in Training Mode. [*]Refund prompt now shows you the item's ribbon and store availability if applicable. [*]Hurtboxes updated for all wall cling animations. [*]Removed the dark rectangle from behind the character select roster.[/list] [h1]Performance Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]Data on what purchases you can refund is now fetched when you go to the Purchases tab in the store. The first time you click on that tab it'll take a moment to get that data from the server but should lighten server load slightly. [*]More server performance improvements. [/list] [h1]Controller Support[/h1] [list] [*]PC Support for Tracer Shotgun gamepad. [*]PC Support for Cthulu board. [*]More fixes for the Dpad for the HORI Fighting Commander 4. [/list] [h1]Gameplay Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]When standing on a moving platform, that platform's motion is applied to the force of your hits to help prevent drops. [*]Pistol recovery adjusted to use friction instead of acceleration. Should be quicker to stop but slower to bail out of. [*]Hammer Neutral Light: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit [*]Katar Recovery: Fixed some cases where target could be dropped before the final hit. [*]Lance Neutral Air: FX animation changed to break up quicker after the hitbox stops damaging. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that could cause moving platforms to jitter during the freeze at the end of a game. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause desyncs with moving platforms. [*]Fixed bug causing empty stats to display behind the "press A to join" prompt when playing ranked 2v2 games. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause inconsistencies between player location and player hit location, as well as incorrectly represent hitbox location in the powers viewer. [*]Fixed some unarmed sounds that were playing incorrectly. (Credit Marach) [*]Fixes the 2v2 bug where your partners stats can show up under the "join" prompt before they join the game lobby. [/list]