2.4.2 - Patch Notes
Author: Raidhyn,
published 9 years ago,
[i] Just a few fixes and performance improvements in this minor patch. [/i]
[h1] Community Requests [/h1]
[*]When playing teams modes, the name floating above players' heads now reflect team color.
[h1] Controller Support [/h1]
[*]Mac support for Dragonpad Wired USB Controller
[*]Mac support for Snakebyte idroid:con controller.
[*]Fixed the inverted axis on GM-1150 Gamepad for PC.
[*]Additional Netway controller support for PC.
[h1] Bug Fixes [/h1]
[*]Client performance improvements.
[*]Fixed invisible salt and invisible deal with it glasses bug.
[*]Fixed the year on the holiday items to be 1/6/16 instead of 1/6/15.
[*]Fixed a bug where some players could use Orion's default Weapon Skins for other Legends.
[*]Fixed a bug that would incorrectly register a conflict for Holiday colors in team modes.
[*]Fixed a display bug in Snowbrawl where it could appear like you did not have a snowball if you did not throw for the entire match up until that point.
[*]Fixed text header alignment issue with news page
[*]"Available until:" text has been changed to "In store until:" for holiday and charity items in the store
[*]Fixed display bug causing the highlighter arrow in the controller keyboarding screen to flicker repeatedly
[*]Item cursor no longer renders on top of item displays in the store
[*]Items in the store displaying characters no longer render behind the "Availability" text for that item