2.1 Patch Notes - The Bow Update
Author: Raidhyn,
published 9 years ago,
[i] Welcome to the first big patch after Open Beta! We're incredibly excited to be introducing Ember, the Bow (what bow?), server capacity improvements and a slew of other things. We're excited to keep growing the game and adding more and more to the game. Fun fact: over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND people played Brawlhalla last week! Yeah, that's pretty sweet. Keep brawling and enjoy the patch! [/i]
[h1] New Weapon and Legend! [/h1]
[*]New Weapon: The Bow is now in the game!
[*]Ember, The Fangwild's Daughter, and our first bow wielding character has entered Brawlhalla.
[*]Weapons: Bow + Katars
[*]Strength: 6
[*]Dexterity: 6
[*]Armor: 3
[*]Move Speed: 7
[h1] New Weekly Legend Rotation [/h1]
[h1] 2.1 Balance Notes [/h1]
[h1] Servers [/h1]
[*] 2v2 Queues have been enabled for SE Asia and Europe Servers!
[*]Doubled capacity of servers in both US and EU for better performance and all 118K+ of you.
[h1]Realms [/h1]
[*]New Test Map: Short Side. Great for 1v1!
[*]Increased the vertical distance between layers of platforms in Grumpy Temple. You will no longer bonk your head on the triangle when jumping from one large platform to the other (unless you use an aerial jump).
[h1]Performance Improvements[/h1]
[*]Improved memory usage for online games to keep 20 minute games from potentially crashing.
[*]Slight improvement on client memory usage.
[*]Decreased situation where server rewards would show up late (improved performance).
[*]More memory pool usage, should improve client performance.
[*]Improved server performance.
[*]Improved performance in the Character Select.
[h1]Art / UI [/h1]
[*]The options menu now defaults to server location instead of privacy setting in matchmaking lobbies.
[*]Party menu in the character select is now vertical.
[*]Hotkeys have been swapped for Lobby List and Player Menu. Lobby List Interaction is now bounded to “Select/Back” on Controllers and “B” on keyboard. Party Menu interaction is now bounded to “X” on Controllers and “V” on keyboard.
[*]Disabled the party menu for modes that require no interaction with it.
[*]The podiums and the clouds can no longer be seen hanging off the edges of the screen when playing with non-traditional aspect ratios.
[h1]Gamepad Support [/h1]
[*]PC Support for NEO Joypad GP001
[*]Additional PC support for HORI Fighting Commander 4
[h1]Bug Fixes [/h1]
[*]Fixed display bug causing the placement text in the scoreboard to sometimes not fit correctly inside the player's nameplate.
[*]Fixed a bug where Legend XP was not getting updated after games.
[*]Fixed a bug that let players fall through the center of Enigma during the final phase (thanks to /u/Chekoby for sending us the replay that helped us find this).
[*]Fixed a bug where keyboard inputs would break if you had the chat open in pre-queue when the game popped.
[*]Fixed a crash when hitting dodge while watching a replay.
[*]Fixed a bug where stances could sometimes show up as an option with no choices in matchmaking lobbies.
[*]Fixed bug where you would get your recover move back after being hit into and bouncing off of the ground.
[*]Fixed a bug where the chat messages would not show up if you pressed enter or clicked the chat entry to chat.
[*]Fixed instances of lingering ".. is typing".
[*]Fixed a bug where mines planted on the underside of platforms could fail to hit targets in range.
[*]Fixed a bug where you could possibly see your elo change from the previous game instead of the one you just played.
[*]Fixed bug when during server load, a duplicate entry would get created for your legend, making it looks like your xp was missing. (Don’t worry, it’s still there!)
[*]Fixed bug where it would show you you had a free legend available after using a refund when you did not.
[*]Fixed missing hitstop for thrown Axes.
[*]Fixed a bug with join prompts on the character select screen where a game allowing more than four players that had one human player and three bots wouldn't show the join prompt in the fifth slot even though space was made for it.
[*]Fixed a number of possible drop cases where a stunned player could fall through a soft platform between hits.
[*]Fixed: Teros' horns now color swap on base skin and Iron Legion skin.