Dear all, In order to improve the quality of the game, we have decided to postpone the serialization of Boyhood's End to Autumn 2023. In light of this postponement, we've received a message from Tobita from buriki clock, the developer: -------------------------------- I'm very sorry for the delayed release! Right now, I'm having the best time of my life as a creator. This game is full of all kinds of challenges. From the setting, the art, the characters, to the story... Every day, from morning to night, I put in my whole soul into development. And now I'm behind schedule! So we have to postpone release. But it's not something I can help. I must continue working on the game until I'm fully satisfied with it. The producer is probably crying right now, but I'll just have to make him wait! So please keep looking forward to the game! -------------------------------- We'll continue to work hard on the game, so please wait just a little bit longer. We're sorry for the delay!