[h1]Physics Update Tick Rate Increased[/h1] The physics update tick rate has been changed from 50 to 150. What does this mean? [list] [*] Smoother Movement: Character movement is now more responsive. [*] Improved Collision Accuracy: Fewer issues with falling through floors or getting stuck in objects. [*] Better Bunnyhopping: You’ll lose less speed during bunnyhops, as less time is spent grounded between jumps. [*] Trampoline Adjustments: Trampolines now preserve your current speed more accurately instead of giving a speed boost randomly. [/list] Please note that this change involves more calculations per second, which might slightly impact performance on some devices. However, the accuracy gains should be well worth it! [h1]Map Adjustments[/h1] [list] [*] Updated the map to account for the new movement system. Some jumps and sections that were previously unreachable with the new physics have been adjusted. [/list] [h1]Other Improvements[/h1] [list] [*] Camera Smoothing: The camera has been smoothed out to reduce the shaking when walking into walls, making for a more comfortable experience. [/list] As always, I appreciate your feedback! If you notice anything strange or run into issues, let me know via the in-game feedback form. Happy climbing!