Patch: 0.1.1
Author: BMS | Hubicorn,
published 9 years ago,
Hello Scientists! Today we introduce a small patch that resolves some of the recently reported issues. Please find the patch notes below:
Patch Notes:
* Fixed wrong texture being displayed on _mp glock.
* Fixed glock idle animation pop.
* Replaced $basealphaenvmapmask with $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.
* Removed autoaim settings from options.
* Fixed zombie hands in singleplayer.
* Fixed chargers not working with some savegames.
* Disabled autorun by default.
* added Single Player Source files in bms/mapsrc.
* added bm_mp_environments.vmf in bms/mapsrc.
... we're not joking. Thats all the .vmf's for Black Mesa Single Player. Enjoy :)