Patch 0.0.2
published 9 years ago,
The new patch is released! Introducing Black Mesa [b]0.0.2.[/b]
This is a much larger patch than the last one. We hope that this patch has resolved most of the serious performance issues and stuttering in multiplayer.
Please find the full changelist below:
[*]Performance fixes: Dynamic lights removed from muzzle flashes and explosions. These were causing stuttering and performance issues in MP, which should now be fixed. Dynamic light options removed from menu as they no longer do anything.
[*]Loading screens: Our flashy loading screen system now works properly for MP on secured servers (the majority of servers). Previously they only worked on unsecured and listen servers. Also made some updates to the loading screens' appearance to make them a bit nicer.
[*]Spawn system: Fixed all players penetrating each other to death over a single spawn point during round resets.
[*]Chat box exploit: Fixed a recently discovered bug which affects all Source games and allows players to execute commands on all players using the chat box, potentially crashing the server.
[*]Tripmine hitbox: Doubled the size of the Tripmine hitbox to make it easier to shoot.
[/list][h1]BALANCE CHANGES[/h1]
[b][u]WEAPON TWEAKS[/u][/b]
[*]Crowbar range reduced from 76 to 40.
[*]Crowbar force reduced from 20 to 13.
[*]Crowbar attack speed on hit (singleplayer) reduced from 0.2 to 0.25 (is now 4 hits per second instead of 5 - is now the same as 2012 mod release).
[*]Fixed weird recoil issue where if hitting the same spot repeatedly, the player's view would drift to the right.
[*]Glock singleplayer damage reduced from 9 to 8 (to maintain 9mm parity with MP5).
[*]MP5 spread (cone of fire) increased from 1 1 0 to 1.75 1.75 0.
[*]MP5 horizontal recoil increased by factor of 1.75.
[*]MP5 singleplayer damage reduced from 9 to 8.
[*]Shotgun singleplayer damage per shot increased from 6 (48 total) to 7 (56 total).
[*]NPC Shotgun damage increased from 15 to 20.
[/list][b][u]DIFFICULTY TWEAKS[/u][/b][list]
[*]Enemy damage multiplier for hard difficulty increased from 1.5 to 1.75. Hard difficulty just got harder!
[/list][b][u]ENEMY TWEAKS[/u][/b]
[b]Alien Grunt[/b][list]
[*]Agrunt health increased from 96 to 120.
[*]Agrunt Hivehand minimum range decreased from 256 to 128 (they are more inclined to use their Hivehand in close range, now).
[*]Agrunt Hivehand max range increased from 2048 to 4096 (they are more inclined to use their Hivehand at long range, now).
[*]Agrunt Hivehand usage increased and strengthened significantly:[list]
[*]Hivehand minimum burst size (minimum random number of bees fired per burst) increased from 3 to 5.
[*]Hivehand maximum burst size (maximum random number of bees fired per burst) increased from 5 to 8.
[*]Hivehand minimum rest interval (minimum random time between bursts) decreased from 2 to 1.
[*]Hivehand maximum rest interval (maximum random time between bursts) decreased from 6 to 3.
[/list][b]Alien Slave[/b][list]
[*]Aslave health increased from 60 to 70.
[*]Aslave zap damage increased from 20 to 30.
[*]Aslave zap cone increased from 0.6 (roughly 50 degrees) to -0.70710677928 (135 degrees). They are now significantly more accurate when firing at you now.
[*]Apache rest time (rest time between bursts) increased from 2 to 3.
[*]Apache charge time (how long it takes to charge a burst) increased from 2 to 3.
[*]Apache max burst count (maximum random number of shots fired per burst) decreased from 40 to 30.
[*]Apache min burst count (minimum random number of shots fired per burst) decreased from 30 to 20.
[*]Apache burst hit max (how many times maximum he will hit you before he stops his burst) decreased from 5 to 4.
[*]Assassin damage bug fixed. Damage is now 5 (used to be 12!)
[*]Ichtyosaur health increased from 260 to 310.
[*]LAV damage increased from 5 to 8.
[/list][b]Marines/Human Grunt[/b][list]
[*]All Hgrunt healths increased by 10.[list]
[*]Commanders: Health from 60 to 70.
[*]Grenadiers: Health from 50 to 60.
[*]Grunts: Health from 50 to 60.
[*]Medics: Health from 40 to 50.
[*]The amount a medic can heal a fellow marine was increased from 25 to 30.
[*]Increased Marine accuracy very slightly by reducing their spread from 6 6 0 to 5 5 0.
[/list][h1]MAP CHANGES[/h1]
[*]Many changes have been made to the singleplayer maps. See [url=]full changelog for more details.[/url]
[*]Weapon canisters dropped by players now use their HL1 behaviour - they drop the weapon + ammo that the player was using when they died. Previously they just gave you all the ammo the dead player was carrying.
[*]Respawn time for all suit battery pickups increased from 15 to 30.
[*]Respawn time for all chargers (health and suit) increased from 15 to 30.
[*]Capacity of suit chargers reduced from 75 to 50.
[*]Many changes have been made to the multiplayer maps. See [url=]full changelog for more details.[/url]
[h1]MODEL CHANGES[/h1][list]
[*]Changed the world models for the RPG and Tau to reflect their new viewmodels.
[*]Updated the Hummvee to use proper specular and normal maps. Fixed lighting errors on it and improved its look significantly.
[*]Fixed bad collision on some M35 (truck) variants, where players would get stuck inside them.
[*]Updated the blast door model used in Surface Tension.
[*]Fixed some of the pipe corner props so they are properly made of metal, insead of plastic.
[*]Fixed the model properties on the Lambda Door to make it metal instead of plastic.
[*]New models for the MP5 grenade and RPG ammo. Both should be more visible and unique looking now.
[/list][h1]SDK CHANGES[/h1][list]
[*]Updated the modelviewer images for the new weapons (the old ones were extremely out of date).
Please be sure to restart your [b]Steam[/b] client and download the latest update. [b]Running a dedicated server?[/b] Please be sure to run an update to bring your build up to date. Players running on the new client version will not be able to connect to out of date servers.
As always, be sure to report any issues you find in our discussion forums and thank you again for the support.