[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8672783/dcad0f44b114d2c721bb7a729b0c0e91207cdbab.gif[/img] We hope you guys are enjoying the latest beta. We've been watching and listening closely to your feedback, and we have pushed our first hotfix. This is a code patch to fix bugs and beta issues with the Gonarch and the new UI. We will have additional code and level fixes in future hotfixes/updates. Thank you so much for your continued testing! [h1]Gonarch and Bebcrab AI Changes[/h1] [list] [*] [b]Gonarch AI now behaves differently and deploys different attack patterns based on Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty.[/b] [*] [b]Fixed bug causing Gonarch to do 250 damage on melee attacks[/b] [*] [b]Fixed bug causing Gonarch to spawn 60 bebcrabs instead of 15 in lower arena battle[/b] [*] Gonarch shove damage in map B chase reduced by 50% [*] Gonarch shove damage in map C chase reduced by 70% [*] Gonarch shove view punch and knock back amount greatly reduced [*] Gonarch AI tweaks for final lair arena battle. [*] Fixed a crash related to Gonarch mortars [*] Fixed a loophole where Gonarch could die/gib in map A and final upper arena [*] Fixed Gonarch physics throw attack not respecting cool-down system under certain conditions [*] Minor Adjustments to chase AI to make it more forgiving, reduce melee attack damage, and scale based on game difficulty setting [*] [b]Bebcrab jump height reduced to 20 units high[/b], making it much less likely they clip one of your rockets [*] Bebcrab damage reduced by 50% [*] Bebcrab max count in final upper arena reduced by 33% [/list] [h1]New UI Fixes / Changes[/h1] If you are interested in testing the work in progress UI, use -newgameui as a launch command. [list] [*][b] Fixed major performance drop when using new UI[/b] [*] Singleplayer game is now paused when UI or Console is Activated [*] Brought up default Qt behavior for key Auto-Repeat [*] Game Console: Command Input now has history [*] Game Console: Partial Autocomplete implementation (WIP, expect bugs) [*] Game Console: Log Area now 1-2% faster than old UI [*] Added "Enable Developer Console” to the Game options screen [*] Advanced Settings Menu is now fully hooked up [/list] [h1]Known Issues[/h1] [list] [*] Bebcrabs can still be tracked by RPG. We are testing changes to have them not track/collide with RPG rockets. We think the change in jump height has addressed most, if not all of the problem. Let us know what you think! [*] Columns in the final fight arena still kill the player in 1 hit. This will be fixed in a future level update. [*] It is still possible to get the Gonarch stuck in certain areas of the level. We are testing level fixes to address this. [/list] https://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/Black_Mesa/ Discord - https://discord.gg/PSZfh8N Twitter - @BlackMesaDevs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BlackMesaDevs