Content Update 0.1.0
Author: [BMS] Adam-Bomb,
published 9 years ago,
Happy summer everyone! We are very excited to introduce our first content update to you, [b]0.1.0.[/b] This update contains new features, a new deathmatch map, and bug fixes that will enhance your experience with our product. Please find the changelist below:
New map dm_stack!
-Added G-Man as a playable multiplayer character.
-Added first person zombie hands model for zombie scientists
-Added first person zombie hands model for zombie guards
-Added first person guard hands model
[list][*]Fixed some music tracks not being affected by the music volume slider in the audio options (Office Complex, Blast Pit, Surface Tension & Lambda Core)
Unforeseen Consequences
Map A (bm_c1a1a)
[list][*]Fixed blocking the crashing elevator with physics objects.
[/list]Map C (bm_c1a1c)
[list][*]Fixed z-fighting pipe model.
[/list]Map E (bm_c1a1e)
[list][*] Fixed canal bullsquid scene triggering late if the player took the lower pathway.
Office Complex
Map A (bm_c1a2a)
[list][*] Fixed various prop shadows.
Blast Pit
Map D (bm_c1a4d)
[list][*]Fixed player getting pushed under the lift and out of the map when falling.
Map B (bm_c2a3b)
[list][*]Made freezer entrance scientist a non-critical npc once the door has been opened to prevent a save loop if killed by the player after entering the freezer.
[/list]Map C (bm_c2a3c)
[list][*]Removed glock that was left in accidentally for testing purposes.
Residue Processing
Map A (bm_c2a4a)
[list][*]Various miscellaneous console error fixes.
[*]Fixed Barney being unresponsive if the player saves him from death.
[/list]Map B (bm_c2a4b)
[list][*]Various miscellaneous console error fixes.
[/list]Map C (bm_c2a4aC)
[list][*]Various miscellaneous console error fixes.
Questionable Ethics
Map E (bm_c2a4e)
[list][*]Fixed broken soundscape.
[/list]Map F (bm_c2a4f)
[list][*]Various miscellaneous console error fixes.
[/list]Map G (bm_c2a4eg)
[list][*]Various miscellaneous console error fixes.
[*]Fixed several broken overlays.
[/list]Map H (bm_c2a4h)
[list][*]Fixed car model having the incorrect orientation.
[*]Fixed some brushwork that had been moved accidentally.
Surface Tension
Map G (bm_c2a5g)
[list][*]Added in bounce jump pad decal.
[*]Fixed floating pipes near the water tower.
[*]Fixed floating debris from destroyed wall.
Forget About Freeman
Map A (bm_c3a1a)
[list][*]Added in bounce jump pad decal.
[*]Fixed a visible nodraw area near water.
Lambda Core
Map H (bm_c3a2h)
[list][*]Fixed an issue with the sounds at the end of the final teleporter sequence, where you sometimes would not hear the scientist telling you to “jump now!”. You should be able to hear him all the time now.
[list][*]Added dm_stack! dm_stack is a brand new, outdoor, fun map designed for smaller player counts.
[list][*]Adjusted weapon placements in quite a few places:
[list][*]Gluon Gun has been moved slightly (though is still on the same tower), to a position up high. It is now perched on top of a pipe on the same tower, and can now only be reached by hopping up to it from the railings, so requires 2 (simple) jumps.
[*]Both uranium packs removed from Gluon spawn.
[*]Removed one uranium pack from the hole Tau Cannon spawn.
[*]One of the batteries on the tower bridge replaced with a uranium pack.
[*]Added a clip of Crossbow ammunition on the red tower.
[*]Removed a clip of Crossbow ammunition from the middle building.
[*]Added 2 frag grenades in the top middle shack on the surface.
[*]Replaced the MP5 by the forklift with a Shotgun with one ammo pack.
[*]Adjusted the positioning of the RPG Fort’s pickup so the RPG no longer appears to be floating.
[*]Removed both batteries from the ibeam on top of the elevator shaft. Removed one uranium pack from there too.
[*]Added 2 frag grenades by the planks in the control room (which form a ramp to drop out the control room window).
[*]Removed one ammo pickup from the Shotgun on the upper catwalks in the underground cavern.
[*]Added a second MP5 grenade to the MP5 pickup on the underground tower.
[/list][*]Tweaked lighting and player direction in a few areas:
[list][*]In the underwater swimming routes (01 and 02), added caution stripes surrounding the entrances to make them much more obvious to players.
[*]Brightened up the lighting surrounding the swimming routes to make them stand out more.
[*]Added a large spotlight shining onto swimming route 02, to make it stand out better as a major route.
[*]In the underwater part of the elevator shaft, added a fill light so the underwater section is no longer dark.
[*]Added a red light at the base of the elevator ladder, to make the route more apparent.
[*]Significantly brightened up the light from the elevator shaft teleporter, to make that part more obvious at a first glance.
[*]Next to the conveyor drop down, turned on a light next to the double doorway, to make that major route area less dark from outside, and improve player visibility.
[list][*]Reverted the tram back to the original 1-car style. The DREADNAUGHT is no longer ingame, we felt that while it was fun, it was too buggy to be reliable or useful.
[list][*]Added first person zombie hands model for zombie scientists
[*]Added first person zombie hands model for zombie guards
[*]Added first person guard hands model
[*]Updated first person scientist hands
[*]Added G-Man as a playable multiplayer character.
[*]You can now get blood on the MP5.
[list][*]Fixed the ragdoll bug where occasionally the Vortigaunts/Marines corpses would spawn in a T-pose/be behaving extremely oddly after loading a save game or level transition.
[list][*]Adjusted RPG reloading mechanics to be more in line with HL1. Now, if you fire your RPG with the laser on, you cannot reload it until the rocket has detonated. If you fire with the laser off, and press reload, you are able to reload it even while the rocket is still in the air.
[*]Adjusted Shotgun reload so you can interrupt the reload properly by firing, and it will fire instantly, instead of waiting for the current shell to be loaded first.
[*]Tau Cannon adjustments:
[list][*]Tau Cannon full charge time in MP is reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds, to better match the original Half-Life.
[*]Tau Cannon full charge ammo usage reduced from 12 uranium to 10 uranium, to better match the original Half-Life.
[*]Tau Cannon jump velocity reduced from 1100 to 850, to bring it closer to HL1 and to make it a bit less ridiculous and easier to control.
[*]Tau Cannon hitreg fix - fixed a bug in the Tau Cannon’s hit registration that was making it register unreliably.
[*]Tau overcharge volume reduced from SNDLVL_100dB to SNDLVL_norm.
[/list][*]Crossbow adjustments:
[list][*]Zooming in with the Crossbow is now instant in MP. Welcome back, quickbow!
[*]The Crossbow’s zoomed shot is now properly lag compensated, so should now register more reliably.
[/list][*]Voice chat is now enabled in MP and is bindable via the options menu!
Please be sure to restart your [b]Steam[/b] client and download the latest update. [b]Running a dedicated server?[/b] Please be sure to run an update to bring your build up to date. Players running on the new client version will not be able to connect to out of date servers.
As always, be sure to report any issues you find in our discussion forums and thank you again for the support.