Black Mesa Main Client Patch - 0.2.1
Author: Fruity Snacks,
published 8 years ago,
We've released a patch to Black Mesa main client
+ Fixed bouncing Bolts from the crossbow in MP
+ Fixed a bug in the balanced spawn system
+ Fixed Shotgun Collision model
+ Fixed various spelling errors and missing .wav files in dialouges.
+ Fixed the Crossbows lighting origin
+ RPG rocket won't clip with the rocket when reloading.
+ Dr. Kleiners head and hands are now properly smooth (smoooooth as jazz)
+ Fixed blood not splattering on the MP5
+ Fixed the where placing 11 satchels crashed the MP server
+ Crossfire Optimization increased - will run much smoother now.
+ Added muzzle flash dynamic light checkbox to options menu.
+ Added godrays enable checkbox to the options menu
+ Minor optimizations made to netcode.
+ Fixed 'FIX IT DENIZ' skin on monitor in UC.
+ Fixed game_round_win Entity to actually win rounds.
+ Polished the workshop tool. (There are still some things that need to be fixed, and will be fixed in upcoming patches). All workshop content and addons will now be read from the SteamApps/Workshop/Content/362890 folder, instead of the previously used black_mesa/addons folder.
[b]This update may corrupt and break save files. If you're experience any issues with old loads, please restart the game at the start of that chapter. You can do that by clicking "New Game" on the main menu, and picking the latest chapter you were on. [/b]
Additionally, if you are experiencing issues with missing models or textures in-game, you have a legacy error with mods. If you have subscribed to any mods since launch and are experiencing these issues please do the following steps to fix the issue.
1. Unsubscribe from all Black Mesa mods
2. Go to ***\SteamApps\workshop\content\362890 (where *** is the location to where your steam games may be)
3. Delete all folders within this folder
4. Launch Black Mesa, and you should be good to go.
Once you do this, you should be able to re-subscribe to any and all mods that you want.
Not sure which mod to download first? Why not try [url=]On a Rail Uncut - now officially released on the Steam Workshop.[/url]
- :vort:
(Edit: it is known that the "Workshop Addon" button does not work in the Main Menu. It will be fixed in a subsequent patch)