Attention, Scientists! We have an exciting announcement and the launch of a new community-driven project around Black Mesa! We understand that you would love to see Black Mesa translated to your languages, and we have received numerous requests from players who wish to be involved in the process. We also want to make this happen! That is why we are starting a crowd translation project to translate Black Mesa into over [b]30 languages, [/b]but we will need the community's help! We prepared a Black Mesa project on Crowdin, a website that lets anyone help collaborate on translations. With everyone's help, we can bring Black Mesa to brand new languages and communities to give everyone the nostalgic feeling of fighting through the tunnels of Black Mesa once more. If you would like to help with any of the languages we have set, please don't hesitate! As translations are completed, they will be added to the game. Some processes and verifications need to be made once each language is complete, which we will discuss with you more in the future. You might notice that some languages have fewer words to translate. That is because we already have their translations done, and we need your help to see them to completion. If you would like to take part go to the link here: From there, choose the language and start translating whatever you can and however many you wish. It will be teamwork! Our staff will work with community members to verify and fix translations and implement them soon after. More exciting news about this project will come in the future. Please share this news with your friends, and let's bring Black Mesa to your languages! If you would like to discuss and coordinate this, join our [url=]Discord server[/url], and use the #translate-bms channel. You can ask any questions or contact us if you have any questions about this through Discord, forums, or social media, as always. We will actively coordinate with you. Thank you, everyone! We are super thrilled about this, and we hope you are too. [u][b]The project has concluded![/b][/u] Translations are currently being finalized! Thank you everyone!