[h1]Release notes - Patch 1.2.26470[/h1] [h2]CHANGES[/h2] [list] [*]Added a SpeedrunHandler component that includes flags for bosses and abilities. [*]Added skip option for the Credits Screen. [*]Added additional landmarks on the Sentinel Complex and Forbidden Plains maps to improve navigation. [/list] [h2]BUG FIXES[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed a case where the Restorer blueprint is in your inventory and you can’t see it in Qody’s shop. [*]Fixed a room in Dustborough where it was set to golden even if a quest reward was not given. [*]Fixed a bug with the Diligent Devout portrait. [*]FIxed names of some NPC in the French version of the game. [*]Fixed a soft lock in Baro Excavation. [*]Fixed an issue where Harlo was getting stuck due to collision with a geyser. [*]Fixed Toroth interaction with switch in Dunes of Time. [*]Fixed an issue where the Dustborough Climber's projectile was incorrectly breaking walls from the unintended side. [*]Fixed crash on Quit to Desktop. [/list]