I wanted to quickly post an update on the status of Beyond Hanwell. I've regrettably had to make the decision to delay the Early Access launch by two weeks. This is down to a few unfortunate events happening in my personal life, since I am the sole developer currently working on Beyond Hanwell, when this happens development takes a hit and I have to rearrange my schedule accordingly. However, a few too many events have caught me off guard and eaten up one too many of my work days. I've been condensing work to manage this recently but it has gotten to the point that to condense any more would mean stripping content, which is not something I'm happy to do. Even for Early Access. I want to release the game in a polished, enjoyable state and use Early Access to refine an already good game. An extra two weeks will give me the time to finish the content I have planned and make sure it releases in a good state. Thanks to everyone for your support! I can't wait to get Beyond Hanwell into your hands! Nathan