This patch fixes some major issues that some players have reported in the Bug Reports forum. Thank you everyone for reporting these issues. Change Log: [list] [*] We have fixed a bug that caused a softlock on certain events, when there were other events on the same planet or station. [*] We have fixed a bug that caused a softlock when entering planets with a certain event configuration. [*] We have fixed a bug that moved the exit button of the planets off the screen when there were 4 events available on the planet. In these cases, now the hangar will not be displayed until one of the events is resolved, leaving space for the exit button. [*] We have fixed a bug that caused a softlock in the Hunting Party event (#269) when by coincidence there was an interception while Hollow was speaking. [*] We have fixed a visual bug that overlapped event markers on planets when there was more than one. Now the planet markers are displayed side by side. [/list]