Greetings travelers! We're excited to share the latest Community Patch, number #4. This update has lots of improvements, changes, and fixes to make your gaming experience better. But before we dive into the details, we want to say as always a big THANK YOU dear Beast community! Your daily feedback and support means a lot to us, and we couldn't have done this without you. [code] [b]Graphics[/b] [list] [*] Visual Update to Camp After Verchovne: [*] Changed visuals on Cemetery map and moved enemy introduction accordingly [/list] [b]UX/UI[/b] [list] [*] Added new companion responses to completing or failing their side objectives [/list] [b]Animation:[/b] [list] [*] Improved characters rotations in place - turning between 90 - 180 degrees rotation are faster (characters doing one step instead of two) [/list] [b]Balance:[/b] [list] [*] Ferocious Strike ability nerf - increased cooldown and reduced hit chance in order to reduce its efficiency when combined with Rampage, Rush and Key Moment abilities [*] Characters encountered on Cemetery map are present during combat instead of recruiting them after the mission [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Optimized AI planning phase [*] Fixed a potential blocker with game soft locking during enemy turn [*] Fixed an issue with camera not working properly in Ruined Tower: Rescue [*] Fixed an issue with objective requirements during side quest in Verchovne [*] Fixed an issue with some enemy abilities during the Adrianople part of the game not showing properly [*] Fixed an issue with not being able to attack an enemy after it was attacked by another character who get downed during attack [*] Fixed an issue with Stress counter still being visible on the portraits of dead companions [*] Fixed an issue with Accelerate ability reducing Insanity twice [*] Fixed an issue with critical hits from Devil’s Claws ability not finishing off the enemy instantly (if enough damage has been dealt) [*] Fixed an issue with the bottom toolbar disappearing after selecting Options in pause menu [*] Fixed an issue with Defender’s Distractor ability not working properly [*] Fixed multiple issues with attacking a companion inside a burning area [*] Fixed some issues with UI scaling [*] Fixed a discrepancy between Ritual dagger description and actual use effects [*] Fixed a potential issue with Anton dying during ending cutscene of the first bossfight [*] Minor ability descriptions updates [/list] [/code] This is the final community patch before our first major update to be released on the 23rd of November! Stay tuned for more info soon! BEAST Dev Team [b]FOLLOW US:[/b] [b][url=]Facebook[/url] [url=]Twitter / X[/url] [url=]Instagram[/url][/b]