Hi folks! It's been an incredible week for me and Bearnard. I'm thrilled that the game has been well received. Thank you for all the kind words, positive reviews, and overwhelming support. Even though I tested the game extensively, a few minor bugs slipped through. Thanks for all the reports! Here's a quick summary of what’s been fixed recently: [b]Added:[/b] [list] [*] Witch description was missing — now added. [/list] [b]Fixed:[/b] [list] [*] Castle 01 - Barrels Puzzle: Barrels shot too high were getting stuck, which caused the gate to remain closed until a checkpoint restart. This is now fixed. [*] Addressed edge cases when loading and restarting levels, which could leave Bearnard with 0 HP. [*] Corrected level name translations in the Mines (Polish language). [*] Fixed camera positioning when the target was too far away. [*] Gamepad events now only respond to the default device, preventing double clicks/motion when using gamepad emulation software like DualSense-X or Steam Input. [*] Various other minor tweaks and improvements. [*] Cleaned up my desk (no more excuses for a messy workspace!). [/list] [b]Changed:[/b] [list] [*] Reduced traps' collision boxes for easier jumping in tight spaces. [*] Improved areas with collectibles that Bearnard couldn't pick up when at 1 HP. [*] Deployed traps (e.g. Blue Poo, Mine, Spikes) are now removed when combat ends, preventing players from getting stuck in tight spaces after a fight. [*] Changed the "Restart level" text to "Restart challenge" when Bearnard is in a challenge room. [/list] Cheers, Mike