Time to return to where it all started. Where a crashed satellite ignited a conflict that would consume the world. Doha: the city lost to sand. Sundance. Crawford. Angel. Blasco. Tombstone and Gambit Squad each took it as far as they could, now it’s your turn to pick up the lantern. Nomad Squad. Your target. The Capitol International Stadium. A military presence has turned it into a fortress guarding a secret. But in the desert, you can only bury the truth so deep. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40697820/72083f3edcd78ac390643ad19029e3b6f42914c7.png[/img] The final grains of sand are trickling through the hourglass. See past the mirage. Unearth what’s been hidden. https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1517290/