[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45001411/0ebb53e995e852b57f9020024fd9dde088749470.jpg[/img] If you want to spread the word and recommend Battlecore Arena to your friends, how about introducing them through our [url=http://battlecorearena.com/FriendReferral]friend referral program[/url]? You and your friends can get a couple of rewards: You have to play at least one match to be eligible to invite up to 5 other players to Battlecore Arena. [list] [*] Invite one player, to receive the title "Squad Unit". [*] Invite two players, to get the "Slash" armor skin. [*] Invite five players, and you will get the "Penitentiary Hedge" Core skin. [/list] All the players that get invited and play the game will receive the "Desert Camo" armor Skin.