[list] [*] [b]Bugfix:[/b] goalkeepers don't always retreat to their goal if they dribble the ball out too far. [*] [b]Bugfix:[/b] [i]World Renowned[/i] achievement doesn't always unlock when players appear to have a perfect Reputation. [*] [b]Bugfix:[/b] power bar is shown for throw-ins when holding buttons for Cross or Shoot, even though players can't Cross or Shoot from throw-ins. [*] [b]Bugfix:[/b] player can clip through one of the rocks on the beach. [*] [b]Bugfix:[/b] replay GIFs render with black bars if game resolution is not 16:9. [*] [b]Bugfix:[/b] memory isn't completely freed after matches finish, and eventually starts slowing the game down after a couple of hours. [*] [b]Improvement:[/b] on-screen keyboard cursor wraps in horizontal direction. [/list] If you run into any issues, bugs or crashes, please let me know in [url=https://discord.gg/gaMTTuwWcN]the Discord server[/url], or email support@ruairidx.com. Ruairi