[h2]Content Updates[/h2] [h3]Game Updates[/h3] [list] [*] Updated player character meshes to accommodate a wardrobe system in a future update. Optimizations [*] You should notice a performance boost of approximately 10-20% more FPS due to an engine version upgrade and various optimizations. [*] Character movement has been refined, resulting in smoother transitions, particularly when gravity changes. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where cart engine sounds were not playing for non-host players. [*] Resolved a bug causing incorrect player orientation after exiting the cart. [*] Enhanced smoothness and orientation adjustments when leaving a cart. [*] Addressed inconsistent movement speed when driving a drone for non-host players. [*] Fixed an issue where the drone HUD sometimes remained on screen for non-host players. [*] Corrected the wrong checkpoint spawn in the new multiplayer level, PoolRooms. [/list]