Hello Everybody! Hope you are all having a great day! I want to outline my thoughts and ideas for the potential future of the game to give the player base some idea of what they can expect to change and what will stay the same. [h2]Planned Features:[/h2] [list] [*]Steam Workshop integration for avocado art submissions. This should help streamline the community voting process, as well as allow the artists who made them to get paid when they sell on the marketplace. We will still be allowing and voting on submissions through Discord as well, as not to exclude people who don't know how to use the workshop. [*]Audio and BGM with mute toggle. [*]Resolution scaling slider for fine-grain control over the window resolution. [*]Purchasable background art that can be applied in the options menu. [*]In-game inventory viewer to switch your avocado skins instead of the current drop down menu. [*]A way to delete store items potentially? [*]A in-game award popup that shows whenever an avocado drops with a picture, name, etc. [*]In-game button that links to the discord server. [*]A process for submitting and voting on 3D modeled avocado art from the community to be integrated into the game. [*]Avocado slicing animation effects. Slicing it in half like fruit ninja. Also another potential outlet for purchasable click animation effects on the marketplace. [*]Exploring the Steam Marketplace inventory drop system further to try and make it more interesting, and enticing to players, such as coming up with new rarity tiers, changing drop rates/times, and implementing exchange item combos where you trade 2 avocados to make a unique one that can only be made by combining the two. [/list] Release is at 2PM today and I am very excited to see how the game grows! I am always open to suggestions in the Discord on how to improve the game. I am currently working as hard as I can to get all of the avocados I currently have art for into the drop pool. As I start to really streamline this process, expect the rate of new avocados added to the game to increase. right now I am looking to target adding no less than 5 a week in these early weeks of the games release. This being a f2p game, I am sure it will be a slower process growing the community than usual because f2p games don't get featured on the front of the steam store, however these style of games are very popular right now so exposure is relatively easy to come by. This is more of a blessing to me though as it gives me time in these early weeks to increase the avocado count, and really put the polish on everything. Discord: https://discord.gg/KEkyuUxuSy