[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44312056/eca71577c670de769b169e55ff64e79c7e06bd69.jpg[/img] Hello, Masters of the Book! We are thrilled to announce that the official community forum for 'ASTRA: Knights of Veda' is now open! 🌍 [url=https://astra.hybeim.com/en/]Check out the Community Site[/url] Our official community forum is more than just another forum; it's a hub for important announcements, exciting events, and useful information that we want to share with you. It's also a lively space where Masters of the Book from all around the world can come together to engage in conversations. But that's not all! We hope this space becomes another platform for you to share your experience with 'ASTRA: Knights of Veda' and create new, exciting stories as you embark on your journey in Planis. We know there's room for improvement, and we're committed to continually enhancing and upgrading the forum. So, why wait? Visit our official community forum now, sign up, and start sharing your thoughts and stories with fellow Masters of the Book from all corners of the globe! Thank you!