Hi everyone- a small patch here to add on to the one from a couple days ago. [h3][b]BUG FIXES[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where re-rolling planet chests would grant bonus hearts and coins [*]Fixed a space where portals could spawn in a wall in Jupiter [*]Fixed music tracks changing to the wrong track after boss fights [*]Fixed items not saving in casual mode in Comet Spaceways [*]Pets achievement happens at 5 pets as stated rather than 6 [*]Jupiter wont continue to shake the screen after being defeated [*]Tavern NPC now gives 60 coins as stated [*]Fixed a bug which prevented Hydra from using infest on Jupiter [/list] [h3][b]BALANCING [/b][/h3] [list] [*]Hydra’s host now takes damage vs bosses scaling with its max hp- high hp hosts will still get killed in a couple of shots [*]Reduced the number of small enemies that spawn with the miniboss on Comet Spaceways and Jupiter [*]Crates are a little less likely to drop unusual hearts [*]Taunting Cape now requires a 4 cursed run to unlock rather than 5 [*]Battle Thirst now requires a 5 cursed run to unlock rather than 6 [/list] [h3][b]CLARITY, VISUAL, AND UPDATES[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Crate coins now auto-collect [*]The hungry tavern NPC now eats hydra’s host if trading for coins [*]New sound effects for cultrunt, giant mooncrab and Jupiter attacks [*]Updated Rage Virus text to specify the boost lasts for the first 2 seconds after taking a host [*]Advanced runs past Saturn will now always start in the Asteroid Temple [*]Added sound effects for crates ,chests, planet chests landing [*]Updated Comet Spaceways music with the full length track [/list] Mark