Ever fancied having three animal companions—at the same time? Soon you'll be able to fulfill that fantasy and many others thanks to the new Animus Control Panel, coming later this month to the PC version of Assassins Creed: Origins

The Animus Control Panel will give players the ability to fiddle with 75 parameters across 11 categories. Details won't be revealed until it's closer to release but the image below shows sliders and toggles for options including diving speed, NPC movement speed, melee and ranged damage scaling, assassination and adrenaline abilities, and of course the maximum number of tamed animals.   

The new menu will come with three pre-made presets (the image indicates a "God Mode" preset, although looking at the sliders I'm pretty sure you could go godlier than that) and player-created presets will be shareable through a dedicated forum. The panel will be part of the Uplay Library page, and it will only be available on PC.