We recently announced the Animus Control Panel (ACP), a new tool that allows players to create their own unique game experiences by tweaking some game parameters of the game. We’re happy to share with you some additional information about the presets the development team created. The Animus Control Panel has been deployed on April 19 on PC. The following video with Producer Jose Araiza will provide you with some additional insights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwcrQT1zvew [h1]Presets from the Dev Team[/h1] We created three presets that we think you’ll enjoy exploring. [list][*]Hardcore Stealth: Play the game like a real assassin. It’s easy to get detected, but if you succeed you can kill any enemy with one deadly strike. [*]God Mode: Play the game like a master. Unleash supernatural power on your enemies. [*]Mad World: Try to survive in this aggressive environment. Stay away from sandstorms! [/list] [h1]Share Your Own Experience[/h1] We’re inviting our players to share created presets with everyone in our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/582160/discussions/0/3211505894133363206/]dedicated thread[/url]. You will find a small guide in the thread which will take you through the steps of saving and sharing your creation with everyone. Join the discussion on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/582160/discussions/0/]Steam forums[/url]. Be sure to follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/assassinscreed]Twitter[/url] for the latest updates on everything Assassin’s Creed.