Key sending solution for the old players
Author: lynkpingame,
published 4 months ago,
We thought This super-discounted bundle is the best solution we can find to protect the rights of old players, and everyone could understand, apparently not.
Although steam has a limitation of key request, we will try to get permission to get more keys to send to all the players who are not fond of the super-discount solution (The super discount bundle plan are still there). Since the sales number is much bigger than the base steam key limitation, the key sending might take some time. It might separate into several batch.
Please leave your mail address here. I will check if you have a mouse icon and add your mail in the list.
If you are not willing to leave your mail address or set your steam library private, you can send me a screen shot that contain your gametime of Artifact Seeker in your library to I will also add your mail in the list while I receive your mail.
The key should be starting to send later. Might be close to the day of release or after that.
If you have other questions or problems, you can join the Discord: and discuss with me and other players.
Please don't chat under this announcement, only your mail. Thank you all.