[b]ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™[/b] update 1.04.1 is now available. A new regulation patch (1.04.1) has been distributed to make gameplay balance adjustments and bug fixes. Please apply the latest patch before playing the game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43315388/be80988733c270cd323ec7144ae901bddf636075.png[/img] [b][u]MAJOR ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE LATEST REGULATION UPDATE[/u][/b] [h3][b]Balance Adjustments[/b][/h3] [b]Weapon Units[/b] [list][*] LASER BLADE “Vvc-770LB”: increased Cooling, decreased Weight / EN Load. Now takes less time for cooling to start [*] LIGHT WAVE BLADE “IA-C01W2: MOONLIGHT”: increased Chg. Attack Power / Cooling. Now takes less time for cooling to start [*] NAPALM BOMB LAUNCHER “MA-T-222 KYORAI”: increased Attack Power / Total Rounds, decreased Charge Time [*] JAMMING BOMB LAUNCHER “MA-T-223 KYORIKU”: decreased Charge Time [*] STUN BOMB LAUNCHER “WS-1200 THERAPIST”: increased Attack Power / Total Rounds, decreased Charge Time. Stabilized shock damage by shortening intervals between damage procs, and adjusted system abnormality build-up [*] LASER SHOTGUN “WUERGER/66E: increased Chg. Attack Power / Cooling, decreased Charge Time. Now takes less time for cooling to start [*] MULTI ENERGY RIFLE “44-142 KRSV”: increased Total Rounds. Adjusted Ammunition Cost and ammunition spent from a charge attack in accordance with increased Total Rounds [*] SPREAD BAZOOKA “SB-033M MORLEY”: increased Total Rounds, decreased Weight [*] PLASMA MISSILE LAUNCHER “Vvc-703PM”: decreased Weight / EN Load [*] PLASMA MISSILE LAUNCHER “Vvc-706PM”: decreased Weight / EN Load[/list] [b]Frame Parts[/b] [list][*] ARMS “AR-011 MELANDER”: increased Melee Specialization [*] ARMS “AR-012 MELANDER C3”: increased Firearm Specialization, decreased Weight [*] ARMS “DF-AR-08 TIAN-QIANG”: increased Melee Specialization [*] ARMS “VP-46S”: increased Melee Specialization [*] ARMS “NACHTREIHER/46E”: decreased EN Load [*] ARMS “VE-46A”: increased Melee Specialization [*] ARMS “AC-3000 WRECKER”: increased Melee Specialization, decreased Weight [*] ARMS “AS-5000 SALAD”: increased Melee Specialization, decreased EN Load [*] ARMS “EL-PA-00 ALBA”: increased Firearm Specialization [*] BIPEDAL “06-041 MIND ALPHA": increased AP, decreased EN Load [*] REVERSE JOINT “KASUAR/42Z”: decreased Weight [*] REVERSE JOINT “06-042 MIND BETA”: increased Attitude Stability, decreased Weight [*] REVERSE JOINT “RC-2000 SPRING CHICKEN”: increased AP / Anti-Kinetic Defense / Anti-Energy Defense / Anti-Explosive Defense / Load Limit[/list] The version number of this update shown at the lower right corner of the Title Screen will be as follows: [i]App Ver. 40 Regulation Ver. 1.04.1[/i] Online play requires the player to apply this update. We will continue to provide improvement updates in the future to allow players to further enjoy [b]ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™[/b]. [b]Thank you all for your support[/b].