[b]ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ update 1.04[/b] is now available. A new patch has been distributed to improve gameplay stability and apply bug fixes. Please apply the latest patch before playing the game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43315388/6fe1a8e49c3f10c8feb6644cf9e9cddab94913f0.png[/img] [u][b]MAJOR ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE LATEST REGULATION UPDATE[/b][/u] [b]Improvements and Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that was preventing AC Data from being loaded when it was using a decal whose image had been deleted from the game server *Note: now when loading such AC Data, the corresponding decal will be removed [*] Fixed a bug with FLAMETHROWER “WB-0000 BAD COOK” when equipped to the right hand, where firing the weapon while hovering with Tetrapod legs temporarily disabled effects and hit boxes [*] Fixed a bug with CORAL OSCILLATOR “IB-CO3W2: WLT 101” where charged attacks had less range when certain parts were equipped [*] Fixed a bug with CORAL RIFLE “IB-C03W1: WLT 011” where fully charged attacks would cancel if the attack button was held continuously [*] Mitigated issues where frame rate changes would affect the player AC’s firing accuracy and the rapid fire performance of some weapons [*] Fixed a bug where using a weapon immediately after switching to it with Weapon Bay caused attack animations and weapon animations to play incorrectly [*] Fixed a bug with online matches where an opponent AC would not render if decals were applied to it [*] Fixed a bug in the mission “Escape” where some events failed to trigger under certain circumstances [*] Fixed a bug in the mission “Ocean Crossing” where the player could get soft-locked under certain circumstances [*] Made corrections to the REPLAY MISSION tutorial text, which did not sufficiently explain the actual conditions for achieving an S-Rank rating [*] The text now reads as follows: [*] “To achieve an S-Rank rating, you must complete the mission without retrying from a checkpoint, while also destroying a large number of enemy targets and minimizing incoming damage, time taken, and ammunition consumed.” [*] Fixed a bug where the game would fail to load after selecting CONTINUE from the Title Screen under certain circumstances [*] Fixed a bug where the game would crash after changing parts in the ASSEMBLY menu during AC TEST [*] Other bug fixes and performance improvements [*] Changed Title Screen behavior so that control guide device settings do not change according to the device used to “PRESS ANY BUTTON”[/list] The version number of this update shown at the lower right corner of the Title Screen will be as follows: [i]App Ver. 40 Regulation Ver. 1.04[/i] Online play requires the player to apply this update. We will continue to provide improvement updates in the future to allow players to further enjoy [b]ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™[/b]. [b]Thank you all for your support[/b].