
Looking for a list of all the parts in Armored Core 6? There are dozens of parts to sort through, unlocking new ways to assemble different mechs. These parts are typically purchased from the in-game's shop, some can be found in chests during missions, and others will be given to you automatically. There's a lot to keep track of, so we've collected all of them for you in one place.

These parts can be used to put together Armored Core 6 best builds. You can check out the Armored Core 6 frame parts and our Armored Core 6 weapons parts guides to see what you need to assemble the greatest mechs. Regardless of whether you prefer to hoard your collection of parts or sell them in Armored Core 6, you'll build up quite the arsenal when all is said and done. Just remember that you can sell any parts back for what you paid for them, so don't be afraid to buy just to try.

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