[b]FROM[/b]: High Command [b]TO[/b]: Arma 3 Users [b]INFO[/b]: Malden Dev-Branch, Hotfix 1.70, Tanoa Structures [b]PRECEDENCE[/b]: Flash [b]SITUATION[/b] It's been two weeks since [url=https://arma3.com/dlc/jets][b]Jets DLC[/b][/URL] was released, and we're excited to see the response and creations from the community. Internally, we've been evaluating its development and we're making plans for the future. Of course next up is the [b]Malden Free DLC[/b], which is approaching fast (June 22) and you might have already seen the star of the show land on [url=https://dev.arma3.com/dev-branch]Dev-Branch[/URL]. [url=https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00194]Full SITREP[/URL]