[b]FROM[/b]: High Command [b]TO[/b]: Arma 3 Users [b]INFO[/b]: Jets DLC Release, Update 1.70, Tools Update [b]PRECEDENCE[/b]: Flash [b]SITUATION[/b] We have arrived at our first stop on our [url=https://arma3.com/news/arma-3-roadmap-2016-17]roadmap for 2017[/URL]: Jets DLC is now available on [b]Main Branch[/b]! Arma 3 Jets represents a significant enhancement to Arma 3's combined arms experience, and we look forward to see how our community's fighter pilots scramble and claim control of the Altis and/or Tanoa skies. Meanwhile, as with every major update, our development team stands guard to [b]catch any reported issues and respond to feedback[/b]. [url=https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00193]Full SITREP[/URL]