[b]FROM[/b]: Project Lead [b]TO[/b]: Arma 3 Users [b]INFO[/b]: Ports Beta Started, Windows 10 Compatibility, Update 1.50 Released [b]PRECEDENCE[/b]: Flash [b]SITUATION[/b] The [b][url=https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184459-public-beta/]public beta[/url][/b] for the [b]experimental client ports[/b] to [b]Mac[/b] and [b]Linux[/b] has begun yesterday! Owners of the Windows version on Steam also have access to the ports. Installation is straight forward; just install the game while Steam is running on either port platform. We would ask you to visit our [url=http://dev.arma3.com/ports]overview page[/url] to learn about the current limitations, requirements and a F.A.Q. Please share your experiences with us on [url=https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/196-arma-3-ports/]the forums[/url] and report issues on [url=http://feedback.arma3.com/]Feedback Tracker[/url] (the [url=http://feedback.arma3.com/how-to-user.html]user guide[/url] was updated to include platform specifics). If you have information that may help other players with compatibility with specific hardware, drivers or OS versions and distributions, consider letting us know or even contribute to [url=https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Experimental_Ports]the documentation[/url] yourself. Most of the work occurred outside of the main Arma 3 development team, so kudos go to Bohemia Interactive's publishing and QA teams. We'd like to especially thank our partners [url=http://www.vpltd.com/]Virtual Programming[/url] for the heavy lifting and the job they have done so far! [url=http://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00121]Full SITREP[/URL]