[b]FROM[/b]: Project Lead [b]TO[/b]: Arma 3 Users [b]INFO[/b]: Unofficial translations, "Support" documentation, Launcher local mods [b]PRECEDENCE[/b]: Flash [h1]SITUATION[/h1] There are not a lot of development updates to report on this week. Marksmen DLC production proceeds at a good pace. We've also taken the first data snapshot for the [b]1.36 update[/b], and the programmers are preparing their special EXE branch. Once both are combined, the team's embedded QA devs will begin [b]full build tests[/b]. They will be assisted by our shared multi-project QA team in Prague, especially for multiplayer. This includes several large-scale sessions involving 30 or more testers, and simulated 64+ client sessions using [url=https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client]Headless Client[/url] technology. Besides that, we'll likely be requesting your assistance for even larger stress tests (on the [url=http://arma3.com/servers][i]CHIMERA[/i] test servers[/url]). To this effect, you can expect the usual Steam Release Candidate branch to open soon. More in the [url=http://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00084]full SITREP[/url]