[b]FROM[/b]: Project Lead [b]TO[/b]: Arma 3 Users [b]INFO[/b]: Update 1.22 imminent, Bootcamp status [b]PRECEDENCE[/b]: Flash [h1]SITUATION[/h1] Time for another [b]main branch update[/b]! Later [b]this week[/b], we'll be deploying version [b]1.22[/b]. It's primarily a maintenance update (the last one before Bootcamp Update), but it does have a few highlights. Designer [i]Jiří Wainar[/i] has wrapped up improving the campaign hub mechanics, with fixes to persistent gear and additional options during off-hub Patrol (vehicles and squads). An OPREP will detail these changes soon. Linux server admins should see a serious FPS boost thanks to optimizations by programmer [i]Marián Krivda[/i]. And this is the update that will remove GameSpy technology and make Steam the default MP implementation (documentation on server queries inbound). More in the [url=http://dev.arma3.com/sitrep-00061]full SITREP[/url]